Curriculum Vitae
Name: Md Abdul JABBAR Date of birth: 1947/12/27
Place of birth: Barishal, Bangladesh Citizenship: Bangladeshi
Father: Late Abdur Rahman Mother: Late Zohura Khatun
Current and permanent address: Apt 15G Karabi, Digonto, 3 Paribagh, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: +880 2 9613910 Cell: +880 1727346719
Languages: English (level C), Bengali (mother tongue), Hindi (slight)
Summary of key qualifications
I believe that development is a multidimensional human problem aimed at changing people’s economic, social, cultural and ecological environment. Economic development is a complex process that requires a multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary systems approach in which participation of stakeholders including a focus on gender is a key for success. In my teaching, research, research management and consulting/advisory activities on agriculture, food policy and rural development, I have tried to follow these principles and approaches. My key qualifications and experiences are as below:
Education and Training
PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, U.K., 1973-976.
Diploma in Agricultural Science, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 1972-1973.
MScAgEcon, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, First Class First. 1968-1969.
BScAgEcon, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. First Class First, 1963-1968.
Secondary School Certificate, Muladi M J High School, Barishal, Bangladesh, 1958-1962
Primary School, South Guabaria Primary School, Barishal, Bangladesh, 1953-958
Training on Group Management and Supervision Skills, KPMG, Nairobi, Kenya, November 18-20, 2006
Training on Project and Team Management, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya,
4-8 April 2005.
Training on Performance Management by Manitoba Institute of Management, Canada provided at ILRI,
Nairobi, Kenya May 1992.
Training for Editors of Professional Journals, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 1985.
Professional Experience
January 2008 – to date: Freelance consultant for ILRI, World Bank HQs, IRRI, FAO, IFPRI, CARE, Bangladesh Planning Commission and a number of other agencies on agricultural and food policy, food security and food marketing, project impact analysis, monitoring and evaluation.
Oct 2003- Dec 2007: Leader of ILRI’s global project on Changing Demand and Market Institutions for Livestock Products and Inputs. Supervised research on value chains and demand for livestock products with a focus on quality and safety, market institutions including contract farming. Also supervised Masters and PhD students. Worked with IFPRI, ICARDA and several other partners in East Africa, North Africa and the Near East and in Asia. Shared responsibility for research coordination with the Market Theme Director. Retired from ILRI on 31 December 2007.
July 1994 to Sept 2003. Senior Agricultural Economist, Policy Analysis Programme, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Supervised and conducted research on livestock and livestock products marketing and credit, socioeconomic aspects of ecosystem conservation and natural resource management using watershed management and agroecosystem health approaches; policies and institutions for sustainable land management, and bioeconomic modelling of sustainable mixed farm systems for different environments in SSA and Asia. Also supervised MSc and PhD theses.
July 1989 to June 1994. Agricultural Economist (first year), then Team Leader, ILRI (ex-ILCA) Humid Zone Programme, Ibadan, Nigeria. Led a multidisciplinary team conducting system oriented on-station and on-farm research in Nigeria and in several countries in West Africa in partnership with national partners and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Supervised MSc and Ph.D theses.
March 1986 - June 1989. Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Teaching under- and postgraduate courses, research and supervision of M.Sc. and PhD theses.
November 1987 - December 1988 (on study leave). Hallsworth Research Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manchester, U.K. Completed a study on "government subsidies, income distribution, growth and employment in Bangladesh" using Social Accounting Matrix and input-output models.
January - December 1982 (on study leave). Nuffield Fellow, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK.
September 1975 - February 1986. Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, BAU, Mymensingh. Teaching under- and postgraduate courses, research and supervision of M.Sc. theses.
April 1972 - August 1975. Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, BAU. Mymensingh.
May 1969 – March 1972. Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Agric. Econ, BAU, Mymensingh.
Awards and Recognition
Summary of Publications by Theme- 1970-2021
Theme/problem area No. of publications
Journal papers Others** Total
1. Markets and value chains, Demand, Supply and
Prices of Inputs and Products 19 60 79
2. Policies, Institutions and Economic Development 7 18 25
3. Livestock, Food Security, Human Nutrition and Development 6 21 27
4. Natural Resources, Watershed and Ecosystem Management,
Land Management, Degradation and Conservation 4 18 22
5. On-Farm and Farming Systems Research 3 17 20
6. Productivity, Efficiency, Sustainability 4 10 14
7. Agricultural Intensification and Evolution of Production Systems 6 2 8
8. Land Tenure and Land Reform 7 7 14
9. Adoption and Impact of Technologies 5 8 13
10. Farm Income, Labour and Employment 5 8 13
11. Agricultural Credit 3 4 7
12. Animal Traction and Mechanization 6 6 12
13. Animal Biodiversity and Value of Genetic Resources 4 4 8
14. Animal Feeds, Nutrition and Health 4 2 6
All 83 185 268
* Full texts of most of the publications are accessible from the following platforms/websites/links:
On some platforms, journal papers have been listed under ‘others’ category due to entry error.
** Includes book chapters, research reports, papers in proceedings, discussion papers, conference papers, research manuals.
Detailed List of Publications by Thematic Area
Markets, Institutions, and Value Chains, Demand, Supply and Prices of Inputs and Products
Jabbar, M, Staal, S, McIntire, J and Ehui, S (2020) Economics and policy research at ILRI, 1975-2018. Chapter 17.In: J McIntire and D Grace (eds) The impact of the International Livestock Research Institute. CABI, Oxon, UK. Pp.680-698. (
Jabbar, M A (2016) Estimation of private stocks of food grains in Bangladesh - Data sources and methodological issues. Report prepared for the FAO, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, 52pp.
Jabbar, M A (2012) Empirical estimation of producer and trader stocks of rice in Bangladesh – A methodological Review. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 35(1-2): 1-3.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, H, Talukder, R K, and Raha, S K (2011) Exit from Bangladesh’s poultry industry: Causes and solutions. Policy Brief, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 4pp.
Jabbar, M, Baker, D and Fadiga, M. (2011) Animal-source foods in the developing world: demand for quality and safety. ILRI Livestock Exchange Issue Brief 16, ILRI, Nairobi. 4pp
Baker, D, Rich, K, Gelan, A, Okike, A, Grace, D and Jabbar, M (2011) The interface of market access and SPS requirements: Lessons from recent ILR research in Africa. ILRI Livestock Exchange Issue Brief 15, Nairobi. 4pp
Jabbar, M A (2010) Empirical estimation of marketed surplus of rice in Bangladesh – A critical review. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 33(1-2):1-22.
Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 168pp.
Lapar, Ma. L A,Luan, N N, Jabbar, M A, Figuié, M, Quang, H V, Moustier, P, Binh, Vu T and Staal, S (2010) Estimating willingness to pay for quality and safety attributes of pork: Some empirical evidence from northern Vietnam. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 138-159.
Borin, K, Lapar, Ma. L A, Nga, N T D, Jabbar, M A, and Sokerya, S (2010) Consumer demand for Fresh and processed pork in Cambodia. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 160-168.
Lapar, Ma L A, Choubey, M, Patwari,P, Kumar,A, Baltenweck, I, Jabbar, M A, and Staal, S (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from references for attributes of raw and powdered milk in Assam, Northeast India. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.103-115.
Jabbar, M A and Admassu, S A (2010) Assessing consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of food in the absence of official standards: The case of beef, raw milk and local butter in Ethiopia. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.38-58.
Jabbar, M A and Islam, S M F (2010) Urban consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of meat and milk in Bangladesh. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp17-37.
Fadiga, M, Baker, D and Jabbar, M (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on
quality and safety attributes: Evidence from case studies: A summary of concepts, methods and findings. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Ke Kenya. Pp2-16.
Islam, S M F and Jabbar, M A (2010) Consumer preferences and demand for livestock products in urban Bangladesh. ILRI Research Report 23. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 78pp.
Jabbar, M A (2010) Policy barriers for dairy value chain development in Bangladesh with a focus on the north west region. CARE Bangladesh, Dhaka. 76pp
World Bank (2010) Demand-led transformation of the livestock sector in India: Achievements, opportunities and challenges. South Asia Agriculture and Rural Development Report No 48412-IN, World Bank, Washington DC, USA. 189pp. (Principal contributor)
Jabbar, M A, Raha, S K, Rahman, M H and Talukder, R K (2009) Contractual arrangements for milk production and marketing by dairy producers in Bangladesh. Report prepared for ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 72pp.
Jabbar, M A (2009) Estimation of Private Stock of Rice in Bangladesh: In Search of a Practicable Methodology. National Food policy Capacity Strengthening Programme, Food policy Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Government of Bangladesh, and FAO, Dhaka. 49pp
Tiongco M, Lapar ML, Costales A, Son NT, Jabbar M and Staal S. (2009). Is contract farming really pro- poor? Empirical evidence in northern Vietnam. Contributed paper presented at the 27th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16-22 August 2009. Available at
Lapar L, Toan NN, Que NN, Jabbar M, Tisdell M and Staal S. (2009). Market outlet choices in the context of changing demand for fresh meat: Implications for smallholder inclusion in pork supply chain in Vietnam. Poster presented at the 27th triennial conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, China, 16-22 August, 2009.
Jabbar M and Amare S. (2009). Assessing consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of food in the absence of official standards: The case of beef in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the triennial conference of the Int International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16-22 August, 2009.
Islam S M F and Jabbar M. 2009. Quality and safety of milk in Bangladesh: What do consumers believe in? Paper presented at the triennial conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16- 22 August, 2009.
Jabbar, M A (2009) Outlook for meat markets to 2020: Global and Southeast Asia regional perspectives. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Vietnam’s Agricultural Outlook 2009, held from 24-25 March 2009 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
el Dirani OH, Jabbar MA and Babiker BI. (2008) Constraints in the market chains for export of Sudanese sheep and sheep meat to the Middle East. ILRI Research Report 16. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, M H, Talukder, R K and Raha, S K (2008) Formal and informal contract farming in poultry in Bangladesh. In Olaf Thiem (eds) Proceedings of the FAO conference on Poultry in the 21st Century- Avian Influenza and Beyond , Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 Nov 2007. FAO, Rome.
Negassa, A and Jabbar, M A (2008) Livestock ownership, commercial off take and related reasons in Ethiopia. ILRI Research Report no 8. ILRI, Nairobi. 58pp.
Jabbar, M A, Benin, S, Gabremedhin, E and Paulos, Z (2008) Market institutions and transaction costs influencing trader performance in live animal marketing in rural Ethiopian markets. Journal of African Economies (UK), Advanced Access published, March 7, 2008, 1-18.
Jabbar, M A and Akter, S (2008) Market and other factors affecting farm specific production efficiency in pig production in Vietnam. International Journal of Food and Agribusiness Marketing (USA), 20(3): 29-54.
Muguneiri, L, Costalgi, R, Osman, I O, Oyieke, S O, Jabbar, M, Negassa, A and Omore, A. (2008) A rapid appraisal of institutions supporting Somali livestock export. ILRI Discussion Paper no 14. ILRI and Terra Nuova, Nairobi, Kenya. 52pp.
Negassa, A, Costagli, R, Matete, G, Jabbar, M A, Oyieke, S O, Abdulle, and Omore, A. (2008) Towards improving livestock export marketing support services in the Somali context: Survey Findings and Implications. ILRI Discussion Paper No 13. ILRI and Terra Nuova, Nairobi, Kenya. 101pp.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, M H, Talukder, R K T, and Raha, S K (2007) Alternative institutional arrangements for contract farming in poultry production in Bangladesh and their impacts on equity. ILRI Research Report no 7. ILRI, Nairobi. 100pp.
Jabbar, M A, Negassa, A and Taye, G. (2006) Geographical distribution of cattle and shoats populations and their market sheds in Ethiopia. Discussion paper 2, Improving Market Opportunities, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. 46pp.
Lapar, L and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Changing demand for pig meat and pig meat products and implications for smallholder market access and competitiveness. Paper presented at the workshop on Pig Systems in Asia and the Pacific: how can R&D enhance benefits to the poor? FAO, Bangkok, 23-24 Nov, 29pp.
Lapar, M. L., Trong Binh, V., Tuan Son, N., Tiongco, M., Jabbar, M., and Staal, S. (2006) The role of collective action in overcoming barriers to market access by smallholder producers: some empirical evidence from Northern Vietnam. Proceedings of Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders, Cali, Colombia, 2-5 October 2006. CAPRI, IFPRI.
Jabbar, M A, Benin, S, Gabre-Madhin, E and Paulos, Z. (2006) Trader behaviour and performance in live animal marketing in rural Ethiopian markets. Poster paper presented at the 26th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Gold Coast, Australia, 18-24 August. 15pp.
Getaneh, G, Adudgna, T and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Determinants of farmer participation in dairy market in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 18pp.
Gebremedhin, B and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Household market participation in live animals and livestock products in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 25pp.
Negassa, A and Jabbar, M A (2006) Determinants of household level livestock off take in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 20pp.
Jabbar, M A, Delgado, C and Minot, N. (2005) Contractual relations in markets. Paper presented at the workshop on ‘Unleashing Markets for Agricultural Growth in Ethiopia: Agenda for Action’, organized by the Ethiopian developing country exports. Keynote paper presented at the 19th Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-9 June.
Jabbar, M A (2005) Smallholders and contract farming: Relevance for the IPMS Project in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Expert Consultation Meeting on Input and Output Marketing Research and Development, , ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31 March – 1 April.
Jabbar, M A. and Benin, S (2005) Trader behaviour and transactions costs in live animal marketing in Ethiopian highland markets. In: J Pender, R Ruben, M Jabbar and E. Gabre-Madhin (eds) Policies for Improved Land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and Wageningen University. Pp 131-164.
Benin, S, Jabbar M A and Ehui, S (2005) Livestock marketing in the Ethiopian highlands: Changes in structure and conduct since 1991. In: J Pender, R Ruben, M Jabbar and E. Gabre-Madhin (eds) Policies for Improved Land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at the Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and University. pp. 105-125.
Jabbar, M A. (2004) Agricultural market development in Ethiopia – problems and issues. Paper presented at the Planning workshop for the project ‘Improved Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers’, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 30 June – 3 July, 2004. 9pp.
Jabbar, M A and Ayele, Gezahegn (2004) Livestock marketing, food security and related issues in Ethiopia. In: Gezahegn Ayele, S W Omamo and Eleni Gabre-Madhin (eds) The State of Food Security and Agricultural Marketing in Ethiopia. Proceedings of a Policy Form jointly Sponsored by the Ethiopian Development Research Institute and the East Africa Food policy Network of IFPRI, held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, 15-16 May, 2003. Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 145-16.
Costales, A, Delgado, C and Jabbar, M A (2004) Contract farming and other institutional arrangements in livestock markets in North Vietnam: issues and research methodology. Paper presented at the ADBI-UNESCAP Regional workshop on Contract Farming and Poverty Alleviation – Issues and Methodology, UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-12 August. 27pp.
Nin Pratt,A, Bonnet, P, Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S and de Haan, C (2004) Benefits and costs of compliance of sanitary regulations in livestock markets: the case of rift valley fever in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 17-19, 2004, Washington D.C., U.S. 63pp.
Nin Pratt,A, Bonnet, P, Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S and de Haan, C (2004) Benefits and costs of compliance of sanitary regulations in livestock markets: the case of rift valley fever in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists, 6-9 December 2004, Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. 22pp.
Solomon, A, Workalemahu, A, Jabbar, M A, Ahmed, M M. and Hurissa, Belachew (2003) Livestock marketing in Ethiopia: A review of structure, performance and development options. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 52. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 28pp.
Jabbar, M A, and Diedhiou, M L. (2003) Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers? Evidence from West Africa. Ecological Economics (USA) 45(3):461-472.
Jabbar, M A, Islam, S M F, Mehta, R, NaRanong, V, Tiongco, M, Costales, a and Delgado, C (2003) Economies of scale and contract farming in poultry and egg production in South and Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists conf, Durban, 16-22 Aug.
Jabbar, M A. (2002) Livestock and hides and skins marketing in Kenya: Problems and investment needs. Report prepared for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote de’Ivoire. 10pp.
Jabbar, M A, Kiruthu, S, Gebremedhin, B, and Ehui, S (2002) Essential actions to meet quality requirements of hides, skins and semi-processed leather from Africa. Report prepared for the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 66pp.
Kamuanga, M., Tano, K., Pokou, K., Jabbar, M., and d'Ieteren, G. (2001) . Farmer preferences of cattle breeds, their market values and prospects for improvement in West Africa: a summary review. Identification and enhancement of mechanisms of acquired and genetic resistance. Proceedings of a workshop. ICPTV Newsletter (UK). no. 4 . European Union Concerted Action on Integrated Control of Pathogenic Trypanosomes and their Vectors, Glasgow (UK). Glasgow (UK): EUCA-ICPTV. Workshop on Identification and Enhancement of Mechanisms of Acquired and Genetic Resistance, Banjul (The Gambia), 20-23 Mar 2000. p. 7-8.
Staal, S J and Jabbar, M A. (2000). Markets and livestock in the coming decades: implications for smallholder highland producers. In: P M Tulachan, M A Mohamed Saleem, J Maki-Hokkonen and T. Partap (eds) Contribution of livestock to mountain livelihoods – Research and development issues. ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp.57-70.
Mengesha, Yshak and Jabbar, M A. (eds and compilers) (2000) Handbook of livestock statistics for developing countries. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper no 26. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 286pp.
Jabbar, M. A. (1998). Buyer preferences for sheep and goats in southern Nigeria: A hedonic price analysis. Agricultural Economics (Netherlands) 18: 21-30.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, B. M., d’Iteren, G. D. and Busari, A. A. (1997) Farmer preferences and market values of cattle breeds of West and Central Africa. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 21. LPAP, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Tambi, E. and Mullins, Gary (1997). A research methodology for characterizing dairy marketing systems. Market-oriented Dairy Research Working Document No 3. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 62pp.
Jabbar, M.A., Swallow, Brent and d'Ieteren, Guy (1995). “The demand for trypanotolerant cattle: Evidence on farmers' breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” Paper presented at the 23rd meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Banjul, The Gambia, 11-15 September. 24pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1995). Market niches for increased small ruminant production in Southern Nigeria. Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 23(1): 85-96.
Jabbar, M.A. and di Domenico, C.M. (1993). Demand for dairy products among the indigenous population of Southern Nigeria. Indian J. of Dairy Science, 46(8): 363-370.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993) “Market potential for increased small ruminant production in Southwest Nigeria.” In: A Ayeni
and H G Bosman (Eds.): Goat Production Systems in the Humid Tropics. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen. pp. 97-107.
Jabbar, M.A. and di Domenico, C. M. (1992). “Dairy consumption patterns in Southern Nigeria.” In: R F Brokken and S. Seyoum (eds.). Dairy marketing in Sub-saharan Africa. Proceedings of a conference. ILRI Addis Ababa, 26-30 November 1990. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 185-202.
Jabbar, M.A. and Raha, S.K. (1984). Consumption pattern of milk and milk products in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 7(2): 29-44.
Jabbar, M.A. and Islam, Md. Shariful (1981). Elasticity of demand for fertilizer and its implication for subsidy. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 4(1): 47-57.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). Supply, distribution and pricing chemical fertilizers in Bangladesh. Jl of Social Studies (Bangladesh), 13: 48-69.
Jabbar, M.A. and Mandal, M.A.S. (1980). A survey on weight and land measurement units used in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 3(1):101-14.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Supply, Delivery System and Utilization of Chemical Fertilizers in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Dhaka. 69 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1979). Fertilizing behaviour of a sample of Bangladesh Farms. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(2): 75-72.
Jabbar, M.A. (1972). A note on the price response studies in relation to jute. Indian J. Ag. Econ. 27(1): 99-100.
Jabbar, M.A. (1971). Problems and prospects of jute. Pakistan Econ. and Social Review, 9(2): 98-105.
Policies, Institutions and Economic Development
Jabbar, M A (2015) The ASEAN strategic plan of action for livestock subsector 2016-20. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 26pp.
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2015) A Multi-Stakeholder Dairy Platform for the Asia-Pacific Region: Justification and Issues to be Considered for Formation and Management. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.
Jabbar, M A (2014) The ASEAN strategic plan 2016-25 for food, agriculture and forestry: The Livestock sub-sector. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 59pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mal, Bhag and Ghodake, R (2015) A Synthesis of the Status of Agricultural Research and Investment to Support Sustainable Development in Countries of Asia and the Pacific. Paper presented at the High-Level Policy Dialogue on Investments in Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region, Bangkok, 8-9 December 2015. 35pp.
Jabbar, M A (2014) The ASEAN strategic plan 2016-25 for food, agriculture and forestry: The Livestock sub-sector. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 59pp.
Leitch, H., Ahuja,V and Jabbar, M. (2014) Livestock sub-sector: Opportunities for action to improve performance.
In: Republic of India: Accelerating agricultural productivity growth, World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA, pp. 99-112.
Leitch, H., Ahuja, V and Jabbar, M. (2013) “India’s Livestock Sector: Demand Growth, Food Security and Public
Investment – Issues and options.” Background Paper for the Book Republic of India: Accelerating agricultural productivity growth, World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA. 60pp.
Ahmed, A U, Aberman, N, Jabbar, M A and Akhtar, N (2011) Policy perspectives of the country investment plan
for food and nutrition security in Bangladesh. Submitted by the International Food Policy research Institute, Policy Research and Strategy Support Program for Food Security and Agricultural Development in Bangladesh, to the Food Policy Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Food, Dhaka. 51pp.
Jabbar, M A, Ziauddin, A T M, and Abedin, M Z. (2011) Impact of an agricultural development project on
technology adoption and crop yields of resource poor farmers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 34(1-2): 55-75.
Jabbar, M A (2011) Policy constraints for implementation of the proposed programs for investment in agriculture,
food security and nutrition in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA. 47pp.
Johnson, S R and Jabbar, M A (2009) Food Security and Food Policy Courses/Degree Programs: Possible Topics.
prepared for the FAO, Dhaka as part of the interim consultancy report on “Feasibility and Design of Post-Graduate Courses on Food Security in Bangladesh Universities” December 2009. 16pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (2008) Dairy Development for the Resource Poor. Part 1: A Comparison of
Dairy Policies in South Asia and East Africa. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 73pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) (2008) Dairy development for the resource poor: Part 2- Pakistan and
India Dairy Development Case studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy. and ILRI. Nairobi, Kenya.74pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) (2008) Part 3- Kenya and Ethiopia Dairy Development Case Studies.
FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 78pp
Mahmood, K, Jabbar, M A and Paulos, Z (2008) Dairy development in Pakistan. In: Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and
Jabbar, M A (eds) Dairy development for the resource poor: Part 2- Pakistan and India Dairy Development Case studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy. and ILRI. Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1-47.
Nin Pratt, A, Jabbar, M A, Paulos, Z and Mulugeta, E. (2008) Dairy development in Ethiopia. In: Staal, S, Nin
Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) Part 3- Kenya and Ethiopia Dairy Development Case Studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 38-66.
Jabbar, M A, Astatke, A, Peden, D, Abate, G and Biri, T. (2005) Community based indicators for sustainable
development: a framework and an application in an Ethiopian community. In: A D Maples (ed) Sustainable Development: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York. Pp.115-138.
Akter, S, Jabbar, M A, and Ehui, S. (2004) Competitiveness of pig and poultry production in Vietnam: Outcome of
Policy Analysis Matrix. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture (Germany) 43(2):177-192.
Okumu, B, Russel, N, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Pender, J. (2004) Economic
impacts of technology, population growth and soil erosion at watershed level: the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Economics (UK), 55 (3):503-524. (Revised version of Okumu, B, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Russel, N, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Pender, J. (2000) Technology and policy impacts on nutrient flows, soil erosion and economic performance at watershed level: application of a bioeconomic model. Paper presented at the Global Development Network (GDN) Conference on Beyond Economics – Multidisciplinary Approaches to Development, Tokyo, Japan, 11-13 December, 24pp. (Awarded second place medal by GDN under Social and Environmental Sustainability theme).
Gaspart, Frederic, Jabbar, M A, Melard, Catherine and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (1998). Participation in the
construction of a local public good with indivisibilities: an application to watershed development
in Ethiopia. Journal of African Economies (UK) 7(2): 157-184.
Jabbar, M.A. and Colman, David (1990). The potential benefits of reallocation of government subsidies in
Bangladesh. Journal of International Development (UK) 2 (3): 380-398.
Jabbar, M.A. and Colman, David (1988). Government subsidies, income distribution, growth, and employment in
Bangladesh. Manchester Discussion Paper on Development, International Development Centre, University of Manchester, U.K. 48pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Food production in Bangladesh: policy, strategy and consequences. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,
8(1): 45-52.
Jabbar, M.A. (1983). "Economic development of bypassed areas in Asia". In: The Importance of By-passed Areas
in Asian Economic Development. Proceedings of a seminar. National Institute for Research Advancement, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 172-73.
Chowdhury, S.N.I. and Jabbar, M.A. (1979). Development orientation of local government in Bangladesh: The
case of Union Parisad. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(1): 1-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Farm structure and resource productivity in selected areas of Bangladesh. Ag. Econ. and
Rural Social Science Paper No. 3, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 120 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1974). Role of agriculture in economic development: the competitive approach vs Soviet control –
Comment. Canadian J. Ag. Econ., 32(1): 63-64.
Jabbar, M.A. (1972). “Importance of social system for introducing cooperative farming (in Bengali).“ In:
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Cooperative Farming, held at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Comilla, 24-26 April, 1972, pp.82-101.
Land Management, Degradation and Conservation
Jabbar, M A and Ayele, Gezahegn (2011) Land degradation in the Oromiya highlands in Ethiopia: Household and
community perspectives on the nature, causes and policy implications. Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany. 111pp
Pender, J, Ruben, R, Jabbar, M and Gabre-Madhin, E (eds) (2005) Policies for Improved Land Management in the
Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and Wageningen University.215pp.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, and Tanner, D. (2003). Participatory conservation tillage research: An experience
with minimum tillage on an Ethiopian highland vertisols. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Netherlands)
Tefera, Bezuayehu , Ayele, Gezaheghn, Atnafe, Yigezu, Jabbar, M A, and Dubale, Paulos (2002). Nature and
causes of land degradation in Oromiya region, Ethiopia – a review. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 36, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 77pp.
Astatke, Abiye and Jabbar, M. (2001) Low-cost animal drawn implements for Vertisol management and strategies
for land use intensification. In: Sayers, J.K., Penning de Vries, F.W.T. and Nyamudeza, P. (eds) The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. CAB International, Wallingford, UK in association with International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Pp.189-202.
Jabbar, M A, Pender, John and Ehui, Simeon (eds) (2000) Policies for sustainable land management in the
highlands of Ethiopia - Summary of Papers and Proceedings of a Seminar held at The International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22-23 May, 2000. EPTD Workshop Summary paper no 9, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. 73pp.
Jabbar, M A, Pender, John and Ehui, Simeon (eds) (2000) Policies for sustainable land management in the
highlands of Ethiopia. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working paper No 30. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. 55pp.
Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Orok, E. J., Idiong, N.B. and Cobbina, J. (1993) Alchornea cordifolia, a promising
indigenous browse species adapted to acid soils in Southeastern Nigeria for integrated crop-livestock agroforestry production systems. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 22(1): 33-41.
Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Atta-Krah, A. N. and Cobbina, J. (1993) Effect of taking a fodder crop on maize grain
yield and soil chemical properties in Leucaena and Gliricidia alley farming systems in Western Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 29(3): 317-321.
Natural Resources, Watershed and Ecosystem Management
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2017) Dairy and climate change interface with a focus on the Asia-Pacific
region: An exploratory review. Dairy Asia Working Paper Series – Paper No. 2017-5. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. 43pp.
Okumu, B N, Russel, N, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Pender, J. (2004) Technology,
policy and population growth impacts on economic performance, nutrient flows and soil erosion at watershed level: the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Discussion paper no 404. School of Economic Studies, University of Manchester, UK. 37pp. (
Okumu, B, Russel, N, Jabbar M A, Colman, D, Saleem M A, and Pender, J (2003) Watershed level impact of
technology and policy on nutrient flows, soil erosion and economic performance- the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Selected as one of the 20 best posters presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists conference, Durban, 16-22 August.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D and Russel, N (2002) A bioeconomic model of integrated crop-livestock
farming systems: the case of the Ginchi watershed in Ethiopia. In : C Barrett, Frank Place and A A Aboud (eds) Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices. CABI, UK. Pp.235-249.
Jabbar, M., Mamo, Tekalign and M. Saleem, M A. (2001). From plot to watershed management: Experience in
farmer participatory Vertisol technology generation and adoption in highland Ethiopia. In: Syers, J.K., Penning de Vries, F.W.T. and Nyamudeza, P. (eds) The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. CAB International, Wallingford, UK in association with IWMI. Pp.173-186.
Klaij, M.C. and Jabbar, M A (2001) Towards sustainable watershed development and management: the case of
participatory design and construction of a communal drain system. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.219-226.
Jabbar, M A (2000) From vertisols to highlands. Case study 5 under the theme ‘Managing Natural Resources’. In:
Equity, Well-Being, and Ecosystem Health – Participatory Research for natural Resource Management. CGIAR Program on participatory Research and Gender Analysis, Cali, Colombia. Pp. 23-25.
Jabbar, M A, Peden, D G, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Li-Pun, Hugo (eds) (2000) Agroecosystems, natural
resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC-ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-15 May 1998. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 242pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li Pun, H (2000) Enhanced human well-being through improved
livestock and NRM in the East African highlands – a draft research proposal. In: Jabbar, M A, Peden, D G, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Li-Pun, Hugo (eds) Agroecosystems, natural resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC-ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-15 May 1998. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 179-197.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li-Pun, Hugo (2001). Evolution towards transdisciplinarity in
technology and resource management research: The case of a project in Ethiopia. In: J T Klein, W Grossenbatcher-Mansuy, R Haberli, A Bill, R W Scholz and M Welti (eds) Transdiscplinarity - Joint Problem Solving among Science, Technology and Society. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland. Pp167-172. (Awarded Diploma for being one of the 5 best papers short listed for Swiss Transdisciplinarity Award presented at the Transdisciplinarity conference held in Zurich, Switzerland, 28 February – 1 March, 2000). Also published as “Towards transdisciplinarity in technology and resource management research: a project in Ethiopia. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) (2001) 30(4): 257-260.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M. A, Colman, D and Russel, N. (1999). Watershed conservation in the Ethiopian highlands:
Application of a bioeconomic model. Paper presented at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Tokyo, Japan, 24-26 June. 15pp.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M, Colman, D and Russel, N. (1999) Bioeconomic modelling of watershed resources. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 8-11 August.
Li-Pun, H., Jabbar, M A, and Thornton, P. K. (1999). “Ecoregional research at ILRI: Background.” In: P K
Thornton and A N Odero (eds) Proceedings of the Workshop on Ecoregional Research at ILRI, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 5-8 October, 1998. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.1-16.
Land Tenure and Land Reform
Jabbar, M A, and Ayele, Gezahegn (2002) Evolution of property rights in the highlands of Oromiya region,
Ethiopia. Paper presented at the workshop on sustainable land management in the highlands of Oromiya, 24-25 March, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 24pp.
Lawry, S., Stienbarger, D. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). Land tenure and the potential for adoption of alley farming in
West Africa. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 23(3): 83-187. Also published in: In: B T Kang et al. (eds.) Alley Farming Research and Development: Proceedings of an International Conference on Alley Farming, Ibadan, Nigeria, 14-18 September, 1992. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 464-471.
Jabbar, M.A., Mandal, M.A.S. and Elahi, K.Q. (1981). Usufructuary land mortgage: a process contributing to
growing landlessness in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 3(2): 1-20.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Land System in the Garo, Hajong and Santal Communities of Bangladesh. Report prepared
for the University Grant Commission, Dhaka. 69 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). "Group farming and management in Bangladesh" In: Improving Farm Management Teaching
in Asia. Proceedings of a seminar. Agricultural Development Council, Inc., Bangkok, pp.141-48.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Some socioeconomic aspects of lawsuits in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 1(2):53-71.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Conceptual issues related to classification of land tenure systems in Bangladesh. Bangladesh
J. Ag. Econ., 1(1): 17-29.
Ratnatunga, M and Jabbar, M A (1978) Land problems and policy. In : Agrarian structure and rural change.
Report prepared for the First FAO World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. Chapter 12, 37pp
Jabbar, M A (1978) "Land Reform in Bangladesh". In: Agrarian structure and rural change. Report prepared for
the First FAO World Conference on agrarian Reform and Rural Development by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. Chapter 14, 35-49.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). "Land tenure system in Bangladesh" In: Agrarian structure and rural change.
Report prepared for the First FAO World Conference on agrarian Reform and Rural Development by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka, Chapter 3. 233-241.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Land redistribution, technological improvement, employment generation: an analysis with
Bangladesh data. Farm Management Notes for Asia and the Far East (FAO, Bangkok), 12: 22-29.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Relative productive efficiency of different tenure classes in selected areas of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Dev Studies, 6(1): 17-50.
Jabbar, M.A. (1975). Share cropping and economic efficiency in Bangladesh - Comment. Bangladesh Development
Studies, 4(2): 253-59.
Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability
Jabbar, M A, Islam, S M F, Delgado, C, Ehui, S, Akanda, M A I, Khan, Mi and Kamruzzaman, M (2005) Policy and scale factors influencing efficiency in dairy and poultry production in Bangladesh. ILRI, Nairobi, Bangabandhu Shaikh Mujibur Rahman Agric University, Bangladesh and SLP. 120pp.
Jabbar, M A and Akter, S. (2005) Market and other factors influencing farm specific production efficiency in poultry production in Vietnam. Journal of Food Products Marketing (USA) 12 (2):101-115.
Okike, I O, Jabbar, M, A, Manyong, V, Smith, J W, and Ehui, S. (2004) Factors affecting farm-specific economic efficiency in the West African savannas. Journal of African Economies (UK) 13(1): 134-165.
Akter, S, Jabbar, M A, and Ehui, S. (2003) Competitiveness and efficiency in poultry and pig production in Vietnam. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 57, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 60pp.
Ehui, S K and Jabbar, M A. (2002) Measuring productivity in African agriculture: a survey of applications of the
superlative index numbers approach. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working paper 38, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 21pp.
Ehui, S, Paulos, Z, Solomon, A, Benin, S, Gebremedhin, B, Jabbar, M, and Pender, J. (2002) Interregional
comparison of agricultural production efficiency in the Ethiopian highlands. In: Benin, S, Pender, J and Ehui, S (eds) Policies on sustainable land management in the East African highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of the conference held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,24-26 April, 2002. EPTD Workshop Summary Paper No 13, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. Pp.111-115.
Ehui, S.K. and Jabbar M.A. (1997). “A framework for evaluating the sustainability and economic viability of crop
livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa.” In: Roger Rose, Carolyn Tanner and Margot A Bellamy (Eds) Issues in agricultural competitiveness – markets and policies. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held at Harare, Zimbabwe, 22-29 August, 1994. (IAAE Occassional Paper No 7). Dartmouth Publishing, UK. pp. 406-414.
Jabbar, M. A., Okoruwa, Victor, and Akinwumi, J. A. (1996). “Trade-off between crop and livestock production in
the west African moist savanna.” Paper presented at the All-Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 4-6 April. 15pp.
Ehui, S.K. and Jabbar, M.A. (1995). “Measuring the sustainability of crop-livestock systems in Sub-Saharan
Africa: Methods and data requirements.” In: J.M. Powell et al., (eds.): Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Vol II: Technical papers proceedings of an International Conference held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22-26 November, 1993. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp.453-460.
Jabbar, M.A., Larbi, A. and Reynolds, L. (1994). Profitability of alley farming with and without fallow in
southwest Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 30(3): 319-328.
Murshed, S.M.M., Jabbar, M.A. and Mandal, M.A.S. (1984). Crop sector output and employment growth in
Bangladesh agriculture, 1967-70 to 1979-82. Prepared for the North- South Institute, Ottawa, Canada. 60pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Management and returns to scale in agriculture. Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 6: 157-64.
Jabbar, M A (1976) An investigation into the effect of farm structure on resource productivity in selected areas of
Bangladesh. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Wales, UK. Pp.219.
Jabbar, M A (1970) Economics of white jute production improvement in selected areas of Mymensingh.
Unpublished Master’s thesis, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Pp.112.
Agricultural Intensification and Evolution of Production Systems
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Manyong, V, Smith, J and Ehui, S (2005) Ecological and economic factors influencing
agricultural intensification in savanna West Africa: evidence from northern Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 27(2): 5-37.
Baltenweck I., Staal S., Ibrahim M.N.M., Herrero M., Holmann F., Jabbar M., Manyong V., Patil B.R.,
Thornton P., Williams T., Waithaka M. and de Wolff T. (2003). Crop–livestock intensification and interactions across three continents. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya, CIAT (International Centre for Tropical Agriculture), Cali, Colombia, IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture), Ibadan, Nigeria, University of Paradeniya, Paradeniya, Sri Lanka and BAIF India. 118 pp.
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Manyong, V, Smith, J W., Akinwumi, J A and Ehui, S. (2001) Agricultural intensification and efficiency in the West African savannas: evidence from northern Nigeria. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 33, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 47pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1995). “Energy and the evolution of farming systems: Potentials of mixed farming in the moist
savanna of sub-Saharan Africa.” In: Kang et al. (eds.). Moist savanas of Africa: Potentials and constraints to crop production. Proceedings of the workshop on sustainable cropping systems for the moist lowland savanna zone of sub-Saharan Africa, held in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 11-23, September, 1994. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp.87-106. Also published in Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 25(1) (1995):27-36.
Okoruwa, Victor, Jabbar, M A, Akinwumi, J A. (1996). Crop-livestock competition in West African Derived
Savanna: Application of a multiobjective programming model. Agricultural Systems (Netherlands) 52(4): 439-452.
Jabbar, M.A., Reynolds, L. and Francis, P.A. (1995). Sedentarization of cattle farmers in the derived savanna
region of southwest Nigeria: Results of a survey. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 27(1): 55-64.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993). Evolving crop-livestock farming systems in the humid zone of West Africa: Potential and
research needs. Outlook on Agriculture (UK). 22(1): 13-21. Also reprinted in the Jl of Farming Systems Research-Extension (USA) 4(3):47-60, 1994.
On-Farm and Farming Systems Research
Jabbar, M A, Negatu, W, Astatke, A and Gebreselassie, S (2002) Impact of stakeholder participation in
technology diffusion: A case study in highland Ethiopia. A report to the CGIAR Systemwide Programme on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, CIAT, Columbia. 29pp.
Tulachan, P, Jabbar, M A, and Mohamed Saleem, M A (eds) (2002) Smallholder dairy in mixed farming systems
of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. System study report. ICIMOD, Kathmandu and ILRI, Addis Ababa. 92pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li Pun, H (2000) From component technology to integrated resource
management: evolution toward transdisciplinary research in a project in Ethiopia. In: Haberli, R, Scholz, R W, Bill, A, Welti, M. (eds.) Transdisciplinarity: Workbook I. Proceedings of the Transdisciplinarity 2000 conference on joint problem solving among science, technology and society, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Feb – 1 March, 2000. Haffimans Sachbuch Verlag AG, Zurich, Swuitzerland, pp. 275-279.
Devendra, C., Thomas, D., Jabbar, M. A., and Zerbini, E. (2000) Improvement of livestock production in crop-
animal systems in agroecological zones of South Asia. ILRI, Nairobi. 127pp.
Kassie, Menale, Jabbar, M. A., Kassa, Belay and Mohamed Saleem, M. A. (1999) Benefits of integration of cereals
and forage legumes with and without crossbred cows in mixed farms; An ex ante analysis for highland Ethiopia. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 14 (1): 31-48.
Devendra, C., Thomas, D. , Jabbar, M A, and Kudo, H. (1997). Livestock improvement in crop-animal farming
systems in the rainfed agro-ecological zones of South East Asia. ILRI, Nairobi. 107pp.
Jabbar, M.A., Larbi, A., and Reynolds, L. (1996). Alley farming for improving small ruminant productivity in West
Africa: ILRI's experiences. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 20, Livestock Policy Analysis Programme, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 96pp.
Reynolds, L. and Jabbar, M. A. (1995). “Livestock in alley farming systems: ILCA's experiences.” In: B.T. Kang et
al. (eds.). Alley Farming Research and Development: Proceedings of an International Conference on Alley Farming, Ibadan, Nigeria, 14-18 Sept, 1992. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 52-72.
Reynolds, L. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). The role of alley farming in African livestock production. Outlook on
Agriculture (UK) 23(2): 105-113.
Jabbar, M. A. (1992) “Evolving crop-livestock farming systems in the humid zone of West Africa: Potential and
research needs.” In: Towards a New Paradigm for Farming Systems Research/Extension. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Farming Systems Symposium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 13-18 Sept. 1992. pp.402-419.
Jabbar, M. A. and Cobbina, J. (1992). “Food-forage crop production systems for smallholder farms." Proceedings of a conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 12-18 August, 1990. IRRI, Manila, the Philippines. pp. 540-555.
Jabbar, M.A., Cobbina, J. and Reynolds, L (1992). Optimum fodder-mulch allocation of tree foliage under alley
farming in Southwest Nigeria. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 20(3):187-198.
Jabbar, M. A. (1990). Methodology for incorporating gender concerns into farming systems research: A
Nigerian experience. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Symposium of the Association of Farming systems Research - Extension, held at the Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, 14-17 Oct, 26pp.
Jabbar, M. A. and Cobbina, J. (1990). Crop-livestock interaction for sustainable food crop production in tropical
Africa. Paper presented at the Workshop on Sustainable Food Production Systems in Tropical Africa, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 28 June - 6 July, 11pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Abedin, Md. Z. (1989). The evolution and significance of on-farm and farming systems
research in BARI, Bangladesh. OFCOR Case Study No. 3, International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, Netherlands. 119pp.
Howes, Michael and Jabbar, M.A. (1986). Rural fuel shortages in Bangladesh – the evidence from four villages.
Discussion paper No DP213. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. UK, 44 pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Socio-economic profile of twelve
villages in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka. 64pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Present farming systems and its
prospects in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka, 60 pp.
Jabbar,M.A. (1984). “Planning and budgeting small farmer activities.” In: Shamsul Alam (Ed). ASARRD Project
on Small Farmer Development: Papers and Proceedings of Workshops. Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal, M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1984). Tangail Agricultural Development
Project: Report on Socioeconomic Study of Tubewell Schemes. Prepared for the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Dhaka. 55 pp.
Adoption and Impact of Technologies and Evaluation of Projects
Jabbar, M A, Ziauddin, A T M, and Abedin, M Z (2010) Towards improving food security and sustainable livelihoods of resource poor farmers in Bangladesh: Impact of the FoSHoL project. International
Rice Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 94pp.
Jabbar, M A (2004) Assessing the poverty consequences of contract farming: Some methodological
considerations. Paper presented at the ADBI-UNESCAP Regional workshop on Contract Farming and Poverty Alleviation – Issues and Methodology, UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-12 Aug., 7pp
Lapar, L, and Jabbar, M A (2003) A GIS based characterisation of livestock and feed resources in the humid and
sub-humid zones in five countries in South East Asia. CASREN paper No 2. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 72pp.
Jabbar, M. A., Beyene, Hailu, Mohamed Saleem, M. A., and Gebreselassie, Solomon (2003) Role of knowledge in
the adoption of new agricultural technologies: An approach and an application. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (Switzerland) 2(3/4): 312-327.
Concheda, G, Berhe, K and Jabbar, M A. (2002) A GIS analysis of target priority areas for adoption of five
multipurpose tree species in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. In: proceedings of the international workshop on forage demand and adoption by smallholder livestock keepers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 18-20 June, 2001. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 1-14.
Ayele, Gezahegn, Jabbar, M A and Zerfu, Elias (2001) Diffusion and adoption of Verisols technology package in
highland Ethiopia. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.263-272
Berhe, Kahsay, Concheda, Giulia, Jabbar, M A (2001) Areas suitable for adoption of five leguminous trees and
shrubs in Ethiopia: A digital data-based analysis. Ethiopian J. Natural Resource Management 3(1): 77-97.
Concheda, Giulia, Berhe, Kahsay and Jabbar, M A (2001) A GIS based analysis of the likelihood of adoption of
some multi-purpose tree species in East Africa. Forest, Trees and Livelihoods (UK) 11:329-346.
Jabbar, M A, Beyene, Hailu, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Gebreselassie, Solomon (1998). Adoption pathways for
new agricultural technologies: An approach and an application to Vertisols management technology in Ethiopia. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 23. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 27pp.
Kassi, Menale, Jabbar, M A and Kassa, Belay (1998). An analysis of the implications of forage legumes and a
cereal based cropping system for sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia - A linear programming approach. Science, Technology and Development (UK)16(3): 32-50.
Jabbar, M.A., Reynolds, L., Larbi, A. and Smith, J. (1997). Nutritional and economic benefits of Leucaena and
Gliricidia as feed supplements for small ruminants in humid west Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 29:35-47.
Avila, M. and Jabbar, M. A. (1992). “Socioeconomic assessment of alley farming.” In: B.R. Tripathi and P J
Psychas (eds.). The AFNETA Alley Farming Training Manual - Vol I. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp.6.1-6.25.
Jabbar, M. A. (1990). Socioeconomic aspects of diffusion and adoption of alley farming. Paper presented at the
Training for Trainer Workshop on Alley Farming. IITA, Ibadan. 8-30 May, 12 pp.
Farm Income, Labour and Employment
Jabbar, M. A., Murshed, S. M. M and Mandal, M. A. S. (1991) “Labour absorption and surplus labour in the crop
sector of Bangladesh agriculture, 1967-70 to 1979-82.” In: Musharraf Hossain (ed) Agriculture in Bangladesh – Performance. University Press Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Ch XV, pp. 282-293.
Jabbar, M.A. (1988). Some aspects of unemployment, migration and income in the Bangladesh rural labour market.
Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 11(2): 35-48.
Jabbar, M.A. and Sarker, R.I. (1987). Gana Unnayan Prochesta sugarcane production and gur (brown sugar)
processing project: an evaluation. Prepared for The Intermediate Technology Development Group, Rugby, UK. 47 pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Socio-economic factors related to farm
production and income in selected villages in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka.124 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). Wheat agronomy and input-output relationship in Mymensingh. Research Report, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka. 62 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). "Constraints on employment expansion in crop production in Bangladesh". In: Rizwanul
Islam (ed): Employment Expansion with Local Resource Mobilization. International Labour Organization. Asian Regional Team on Employment Promotion, ILO, Bangkok, pp.75-89.
Jabbar, M.A. and Karim, Mahmudul (1979). An Economic Study on Bangladesh Fisheries. Background Paper for
Second Five Year Plan. Prepared for the Planning Commission. Dhaka.59 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Karim, Mahmudul (1979). Economics of alternative technologies for harvesting and processing
marine fish in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(1) : 75-94.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Business characteristics of selected farms in Mymensingh and Kushtia. Research Report No.
1, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, BAU, Mymensingh, 29 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Faruque, A.K.M. (1978). Labour requirements for production of major crops in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 1 (1): 101-13
Jabbar, M.A. and Haque, M.F. (1972). Cost-return analysis of aus paddy production in Muktagacha, Mymensingh.
Farm Management Research Report No. 6, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research, Bangladesh Agric. University, Mymensingh, 18pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1970). Economics of producing irrigated crops in East Pakistan. Pakistan J Science, 22(3-4):185-92.
Jabbar, M.A. and Quddus, M.A. (1970). Labour use and productivity of some irrigated crops in East Pakistan.
Pakistan J of Science, 22(3-4): 195-99.
Agricultural Credit
Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S K, von Kaufmann, R. (2002) Supply and demand for livestock credit in sub-Saharan Africa:
lessons for designing new credit schemes. World Development (USA) 30(6): 1029-1042. Also published in Proceedings of the workshop on structures of short- and medium-term finance to small-scale farmers, Nairobi, Organised by the Common Fund for Commodities and Kenya Planters Cooperative union Ltd. Kenya, 4-6 April, 2001. pp.161-180.
Jabbar, M A. (2002) Micro credit for livestock development in the arid/semi-arid areas of Kenya - Investment
opportunities and credit supply mechanisms. Report prepared for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote de’Ivoire. 17pp.
Freeman, H. A., Jabbar, M. A., and Ehui, S. K. (Eds) (1998) The role of credit in the uptake and productivity of
improved dairy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 22. LPAP, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 84pp.
Freeman, H A., Ehui, S. K. and Jabbar, M. A. (1998) Credit constraints and smallholder dairy production
in the East African highlands: Application of a switching regression model. Agricultural Economics (Netherlands) 19 (1-2): 33-44.
Freeman, H. A., Jabbar, M. A. and Ehui, S. K. (1996). “Credit markets and the uptake of improved dairy
technologies in Ethiopia.” Paper presented at the All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 4-6 April. 13pp.
Freeman, H. A, Jabbar, M. A., Ehui, S. K., and Nega Gebreselassie (1996) The role of credit in the uptake of improved dairy technologies in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Jl of Ag Econ. 1(1): 1-17.
Elahi, K.Q. and Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Administration of agricultural credit in Bangladesh. Research Report No. 4, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, BAU, Mymensingh. 116pp.
Livestock, Food Security, Human Nutrition and Development
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2011) Linking school milk with dairy development strategy: Thai experience and
design considerations for pilot school milk project in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the FAO, Bangkok,
Thailand. 68pp.
Tangka, F K L, Emerson, R D and Jabbar, M A (2010) Crossbred cows and food security – A study of smallholder
farm households in the Ethiopian highlands. Lambert academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany. 134pp.
Johnson, S R and Jabbar, M A (2009) Food Security and Food Policy Courses/Degree Programs: Possible Topics.
Appendix 5 of the interim consultancy report on “Feasibility and Design of Post-Graduate Courses on Food Security in Bangladesh Universities” prepared for the FAO, Dhaka December 2009.
Jabbar, M A, Negassa, A and Taye, G. (2007) Geographical distribution of cattle and shoats populations and their
market sheds in Ethiopia. Discussion paper 2, Improving Market Opportunities, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. 46pp.
Jabbar, M A and Delgado, C (2005) Policies and institutions for poultry and dairy development in Bangladesh.
Invited article in the Souvenir for the Third Graduation Ceremony, Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Chittagong, pp. 21-24.
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Abate, G. and Ketema, L (2005) Household and environmental factors influencing
anthropometric outcomes in pre-school children in a rural Ethiopian community. Ecology of Food and Nutrition (USA), 43(3): 167-187.
Islam, S M F and Jabbar M A (2005) Smallholder poultry model for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh: a review of
evidence on impact. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 17, No 10, Article #112. (Retrieved October 10, 2005 from
Jabbar, M A and Sere, C. (2004) Family poultry production: the potential contribution of international research. Invited paper for the World Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-13 June, 2004. 15pp
Jabbar, M A. (2004) Smallholder livestock for poverty alleviation: Issues and prospects. Invited keynote paper,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 12 May 2004. 23pp
Jabbar, M A (2003) Livestock in food security and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. Invited article in the
Souvenir for the First Graduation Ceremony, Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Pp. 45-48.
Ketema, L, Abate, G, and Jabbar, M. (2003) Correlates of children’s cognitive skills in an agrarian community with
mixed crop-livestock production systems, Ginchi, Central Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal. 41(2): 151-162.
Ahmed, M M, Emana, B, Jabbar, M A, Tangka, F and Ehui, S (2003) Economic and nutritional impacts of
market-oriented dairy production in the Ethiopian highlands. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper no 51, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 21pp.
Tangka, F L, Emerson, R and Jabbar, M A. (2002) Food security effects of intensified dairying: Evidence
from the Ethiopian highlands. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 44. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 60pp.
Tulachan, P M. and Jabbar, M.A. (2002) Market oriented smallholder dairy farming as an option for improving the
livelihoods of small and marginal farmers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas. Paper presented at the 17th Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). November 17-20, 2002, Orlando, Florida USA. 18pp
Jabbar, M A, Ahmed, M A, Benin, S, Gebremedhin, B and Ehui, S. (2002) Livestock, livelihood and land
management issues in the highlands of Ethiopia. In: Benin, s, Pender, J and Ehui, S (eds) Policies on sustainable land management in the East African highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of the conference held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,24-26 April, 2002. EPTD Workshop Summary Paper No 13, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. Pp.97-103.
Tangka, F, Emerson, R, and Jabbar, M (2001) Food security effects of intensified dairying in the Ethiopian
highlands. Paper at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, August.
Tangka, Florence, Jabbar, M A and Shapiro, B I. (2000) Gender roles and child nutrition in ruminant
livestock production systems in developing countries – A critical review. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 27. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 64pp.
Ahmed, Mohammed A, Jabbar, M A and Ehui, Simeon (2000) Household level economic and nutritional impact of
market oriented dairy production in the Ethiopian highlands. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (USA) 21(4):460-465.
Sansoucy, R., Jabbar, M.A., Ehui, S.K. and Fitzhugh, H. (1995). “The contribution of livestock to food security and
sustainable development: Keynote paper.” In: R. Trevor Wilson, Simeon Ehui and Simon Mack (eds.): Livestock Development Strategies for Low Income Countries. Proceedings of the joint FAO/ILRI roundtable, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 25 Feb - 2 March. FAO, Rome and ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp.9-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1990). Floods and livestock in Bangladesh. Disasters - The Jl of Disaster Studies and Management
(UK) 14(4): 358-365.
Jabbar, M.A. (1989). An assessment of the quality of livestock statistics of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agc. Econ.,
12 (2): 25-42.
Jabbar, M.A. (Ed.) (1985). Livestock Development in Bangladesh - Policy and Strategy (in Bengali). Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka and Agricultural Development Council, Inc. New York, June, 152p.
Jabbar, M.A. and Green, D.A.G. (1983). The Status and potential of livestock within the context of agricultural
development policy in Bangladesh. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 113 pp.
Animal Traction and Mechanization
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Saleem, M A M and Erkossa, Teklu (2002) Development and testing of low-cost animal drawn minimum tillage implements – experience on vertisols in Ethiopia. Agricultural Mechanisation in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Japan) 33(2): 9-14.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Erkossa, Teklu (2002) Technical and economic
performance of animal drawn implements for minimum tillage: experience on vertisols in Ethiopia. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 38: 185-196.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A. (2001) Performance of minimum tillage with animal drawn
implements on vertisols in Ethiopia. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.115-126.
Astatke, A and Jabbar, M A. (2000) Animal drawn implements for vertisol management and strategies for land use
intensification. In: Sustainable Agriculture – The Engineers Report. American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, DC, USA. Pp.11-18.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993). Research on cow traction in Africa: Some lessons to be learned. World Animal Review (FAO,
Italy) 74/75 (1-2): 58-63.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Animal power situation in Bangladesh. Mechanization Research Series, Asian Regional Team
on Employment Promotion, International Labour Organization, Bangkok. 41pp (Mimeo.).
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). The potential for single animal ploughing in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,8(2): 53-61.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Commercialization of agricultural equipment generated by R&D system in Bangladesh.
World employment programme research paper No. 2-22/wp. 155. International Labour Organization, Geneva. 46pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1983). “Effect of draft on fertility and milk production of cows in Bangladesh.” In: T.R. Preston,
Charles Davies and M.M. Hoque (eds.). Maximum Livestock from Minimum Land. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 20-24 April, 1983. Pp. 87-102.
Jabbar, M.A., Bhuiyan, M.S.R. and Bari, A.K.M. (1983). "Causes and consequences of power tiller utilization in
two areas of Bangladesh." In: Consequences of Small Farm Mechanization. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, the Philippines, September, pp.71-83.
Jabbar, M.A. (1982). Technological change, agricultural development and the relevance of crop-livestock
interaction. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 5(2): 1-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Draft power shortage and mechanization of tillage in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,
3(1): 1-26.
Animal Biodiversity and Value of Genetic Resources
Jabbar, M A, Husain, S S, Islam, S M F, Amin, M R, Khandker, A M M Y, Bhuiyan, A K F H, Ali, S Z and Faruque, O (2011) Stakeholder perspectives on breeding strategy and choice of breeds for livestock development in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Animal Science, 39(1-2): 20-43.
Jabbar, M A, and Diedhiou, M L. (2001) Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers? Evidence from West Africa. Working paper 110-2001, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Corso Magenta, Milano, Italy. 27pp.
Kamuanga, M, d’Iteren, G, Tano, K, Jabbar, M A, Swalow, BM, and Pokou, K. (2001). Farmers’ preferences of
cattle breeds, their market values and prospects for improvement in West Africa – a summary review. In: K R Soones (ed): Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC), Mombasa, Kenya, September 1999. Publication No 120, Stockwatch Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.271-298.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, B M and Rege, J E O (1999) Incorporation of farmer knowledge and preferences in
designing breeding policy and conservation strategy for domestic animals. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 28 (4): 239-243.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, Brent, d'Iteren, G. M. and Busari, A. (1998). Farmer preferences and market values of
cattle breeds of West and Central Africa. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 12 (2/3): 21-47.
Jabbar, M.A., Swallow, Brent and d'Ieteren, Guy (1995). “The demand for trypanotolerant cattle: Evidence on
farmers' breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” Paper presented at the 23rd meeting of
the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Banjul, The Gambia, 11-15
September. 24pp.
Swallow, B.M. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). “Cattle breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” In:
G J Rowlands and A J. Teale (eds): Towards Increased Use of Trypanotolerance - Current Research and Future Directions. Proceeding of a Workshop organized jointly by ILRAD and ILCA at Nairobi, 26-29 April, 1993. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 115-122.
Jabbar, M.A. and Ali, M.Z. (1988). The limitations of cross- breeding for improvement of cattle in Bangladesh".
Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 17: 29-56.
Animal Feeds, Nutrition and Health
Tangka, Florence and Jabbar, M A (2005) Implications of feed scarcity for gender roles in ruminant livestock
production. In: A A Ayatunde, S Fernandez-Rivera and G McCrabb (eds) Coping with Feed Scarcity in Smallholder Livestock Systems in Developing Countries. Proceedings of a workshop held on June 14-17 1999. Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands, University of Reading, UK, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 287-296.
Smith, J W, Adebowale, E A, Ogundola, F I, Taiwo, A A, Akpavie, S O, Larbi, A and Jabbar, M A (2000)
Influence of minerals on the aetiology of geophagia in periurban dairy cattle in the derived savannah of Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 32(5):315-327.
Larbi, A., Ladipo, D., Adekunle, I. O., Smith, J. W. and Jabbar, M. A. (1998) Multipurpose tree selection for
silvopastoral systems on acid ultisols: the effect of grass competition on early growth of tree and shrub species. International Tree Crop Journal (UK) 9:213-225.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Adebowale, E., and Akpavie, S (1996). Diseases of peri-urban agro-pastoral
systems in the derived savannah of West Africa. Market Oriented Dairy Research Working Paper 1996/4. ILRI, Ibadan, Nigeria. 31pp.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M.A. and Akinlade, J. (1995). Voluntary intake by sheep and goats of Gliricidia
sepium fed in three states and at three levels of supplementation to a basal diet of Panicum maximum. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 32(3): 287-295.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M.A. and Akinlade, J. (1995) Rumen degradation in sheep, goats and cattle and
voluntary intake by sheep of four browse species. Agroforestry systems (Netherlands) 32(3): 277-286.
Other Professional Activities
Membership of Professional Associations
Research Projects Undertaken in Bangladesh (1976-89)
Name: Md Abdul JABBAR Date of birth: 1947/12/27
Place of birth: Barishal, Bangladesh Citizenship: Bangladeshi
Father: Late Abdur Rahman Mother: Late Zohura Khatun
Current and permanent address: Apt 15G Karabi, Digonto, 3 Paribagh, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: +880 2 9613910 Cell: +880 1727346719
Languages: English (level C), Bengali (mother tongue), Hindi (slight)
Summary of key qualifications
I believe that development is a multidimensional human problem aimed at changing people’s economic, social, cultural and ecological environment. Economic development is a complex process that requires a multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary systems approach in which participation of stakeholders including a focus on gender is a key for success. In my teaching, research, research management and consulting/advisory activities on agriculture, food policy and rural development, I have tried to follow these principles and approaches. My key qualifications and experiences are as below:
- BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in agricultural economics with strong background in economic theory, development economics, quantitative techniques as well as subsidiary courses at the undergraduate level in agriculture, animal husbandry, rural sociology and political science.
- 20 years (1969-89) of university teaching (economic development, agricultural policy, farm management and production economics, econometrics) in Bangladesh at under and postgraduate levels, including thesis supervision, plus policy advising and consulting services.
- 18.5 years (1989-2007) of international research and research management at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), a CGIAR centre, with extensive experience in collaborative research with many national institutions and several other CG centres. Contributed significantly to ILRI’s research planning and strategic plan development in which NARS inputs were incorporated. Specific country experiences: resident in Nigeria (5 yrs), conducting and managing research in West Africa (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Togo, Cameroon); resident in Ethiopia (13.5 yrs) conducting and managing projects in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Somalia), South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan) South East Asia (Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, China, Cambodia), North Africa (Jordan, Syria, Tunisia).
- Since 2008, have been working as a freelance consultant for various international agencies on agriculture and food policy, food security and food marketing, project impact analysis, monitoring and evaluation.
- Publications record includes 83 articles in referred journals, 182 research reports, working papers, book chapters on wide ranging topics including : policies, institutions and development; markets, institutions, supply chains and prices of inputs and products; land tenure and land reform; productivity, efficiency and sustainability; livestock, food security, human nutrition and development; natural resources, watershed and ecosystem management; land tenure, land management, degradation and conservation; mechanisation and animal traction; farm income, labour and employment; agricultural credit; on-farm and farming systems research; agricultural intensification, crop-livestock interaction and evolution of production systems; technology adoption and impact; animal biodiversity and value of genetic resources.
- Long experience in work with international and national partners and networks, requiring strong interpersonal skills, skills in team work and team management, and negotiations.
- Long experience in mentoring and supervision of national and international staff and graduate students under different socio-cultural background, and job classification and performance evaluation.
- Experience in designing, conducting and managing large multidisciplinary studies within a systems framework using a variety of data collection techniques including participatory approaches and formal surveys, and data management, data archiving and analysis.
- Experience in the application of wide-ranging analytical techniques for data analysis including impact analysis, econometric techniques and mathematical modelling.
- Long period of editorial experiences. Several professional rewards and awards in recognition of work and achievement.
- Member, Advisory Panel of Economists for preparation of the sixth (2011-2015), seventh(2016-2020), eighth (2020-2025) and ninth (currently ongoing) five year plans of Bangladesh formed by the Planning Commission.
Education and Training
PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, U.K., 1973-976.
Diploma in Agricultural Science, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 1972-1973.
MScAgEcon, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, First Class First. 1968-1969.
BScAgEcon, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. First Class First, 1963-1968.
Secondary School Certificate, Muladi M J High School, Barishal, Bangladesh, 1958-1962
Primary School, South Guabaria Primary School, Barishal, Bangladesh, 1953-958
Training on Group Management and Supervision Skills, KPMG, Nairobi, Kenya, November 18-20, 2006
Training on Project and Team Management, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya,
4-8 April 2005.
Training on Performance Management by Manitoba Institute of Management, Canada provided at ILRI,
Nairobi, Kenya May 1992.
Training for Editors of Professional Journals, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 1985.
Professional Experience
January 2008 – to date: Freelance consultant for ILRI, World Bank HQs, IRRI, FAO, IFPRI, CARE, Bangladesh Planning Commission and a number of other agencies on agricultural and food policy, food security and food marketing, project impact analysis, monitoring and evaluation.
Oct 2003- Dec 2007: Leader of ILRI’s global project on Changing Demand and Market Institutions for Livestock Products and Inputs. Supervised research on value chains and demand for livestock products with a focus on quality and safety, market institutions including contract farming. Also supervised Masters and PhD students. Worked with IFPRI, ICARDA and several other partners in East Africa, North Africa and the Near East and in Asia. Shared responsibility for research coordination with the Market Theme Director. Retired from ILRI on 31 December 2007.
July 1994 to Sept 2003. Senior Agricultural Economist, Policy Analysis Programme, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Supervised and conducted research on livestock and livestock products marketing and credit, socioeconomic aspects of ecosystem conservation and natural resource management using watershed management and agroecosystem health approaches; policies and institutions for sustainable land management, and bioeconomic modelling of sustainable mixed farm systems for different environments in SSA and Asia. Also supervised MSc and PhD theses.
July 1989 to June 1994. Agricultural Economist (first year), then Team Leader, ILRI (ex-ILCA) Humid Zone Programme, Ibadan, Nigeria. Led a multidisciplinary team conducting system oriented on-station and on-farm research in Nigeria and in several countries in West Africa in partnership with national partners and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Supervised MSc and Ph.D theses.
March 1986 - June 1989. Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Teaching under- and postgraduate courses, research and supervision of M.Sc. and PhD theses.
November 1987 - December 1988 (on study leave). Hallsworth Research Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manchester, U.K. Completed a study on "government subsidies, income distribution, growth and employment in Bangladesh" using Social Accounting Matrix and input-output models.
January - December 1982 (on study leave). Nuffield Fellow, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK.
September 1975 - February 1986. Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, BAU, Mymensingh. Teaching under- and postgraduate courses, research and supervision of M.Sc. theses.
April 1972 - August 1975. Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, BAU. Mymensingh.
May 1969 – March 1972. Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Agric. Econ, BAU, Mymensingh.
Awards and Recognition
- Neville Clark award for Outstanding Scientific Partnership, awarded by the Board of Trustees of ILRI, December 2000.
- Second Place medal (jointly with other authors) for best research on ‘environmental and social sustainability’, awarded by the Global Development Network, World Bank, at its First Annual Competition, Tokyo, December 2000.
- Diploma for being one of the 5 best papers short listed out of over 400 presented for Swiss Transdisciplinarity award at the Transdisciplinarity conference held in Zurich, Switzerland, 28 February – 1 March, 2000.
- Hallsworth Fellow, University of Manchester, U.K., Nov. 1987 - Dec. 1988.
- Nuffield Fellow, University of Wales, U.K., January- December, 1982.
- British Technical Assistance Scholar. 1972-76.
- Saigol Foundation (Karachi, Pakistan) Merit Award, 1967.
- Bangladesh Agricultural University Scholarship, 1963 - 1968.
Summary of Publications by Theme- 1970-2021
Theme/problem area No. of publications
Journal papers Others** Total
1. Markets and value chains, Demand, Supply and
Prices of Inputs and Products 19 60 79
2. Policies, Institutions and Economic Development 7 18 25
3. Livestock, Food Security, Human Nutrition and Development 6 21 27
4. Natural Resources, Watershed and Ecosystem Management,
Land Management, Degradation and Conservation 4 18 22
5. On-Farm and Farming Systems Research 3 17 20
6. Productivity, Efficiency, Sustainability 4 10 14
7. Agricultural Intensification and Evolution of Production Systems 6 2 8
8. Land Tenure and Land Reform 7 7 14
9. Adoption and Impact of Technologies 5 8 13
10. Farm Income, Labour and Employment 5 8 13
11. Agricultural Credit 3 4 7
12. Animal Traction and Mechanization 6 6 12
13. Animal Biodiversity and Value of Genetic Resources 4 4 8
14. Animal Feeds, Nutrition and Health 4 2 6
All 83 185 268
* Full texts of most of the publications are accessible from the following platforms/websites/links:
On some platforms, journal papers have been listed under ‘others’ category due to entry error.
** Includes book chapters, research reports, papers in proceedings, discussion papers, conference papers, research manuals.
Detailed List of Publications by Thematic Area
Markets, Institutions, and Value Chains, Demand, Supply and Prices of Inputs and Products
Jabbar, M, Staal, S, McIntire, J and Ehui, S (2020) Economics and policy research at ILRI, 1975-2018. Chapter 17.In: J McIntire and D Grace (eds) The impact of the International Livestock Research Institute. CABI, Oxon, UK. Pp.680-698. (
Jabbar, M A (2016) Estimation of private stocks of food grains in Bangladesh - Data sources and methodological issues. Report prepared for the FAO, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, 52pp.
Jabbar, M A (2012) Empirical estimation of producer and trader stocks of rice in Bangladesh – A methodological Review. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 35(1-2): 1-3.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, H, Talukder, R K, and Raha, S K (2011) Exit from Bangladesh’s poultry industry: Causes and solutions. Policy Brief, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 4pp.
Jabbar, M, Baker, D and Fadiga, M. (2011) Animal-source foods in the developing world: demand for quality and safety. ILRI Livestock Exchange Issue Brief 16, ILRI, Nairobi. 4pp
Baker, D, Rich, K, Gelan, A, Okike, A, Grace, D and Jabbar, M (2011) The interface of market access and SPS requirements: Lessons from recent ILR research in Africa. ILRI Livestock Exchange Issue Brief 15, Nairobi. 4pp
Jabbar, M A (2010) Empirical estimation of marketed surplus of rice in Bangladesh – A critical review. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 33(1-2):1-22.
Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 168pp.
Lapar, Ma. L A,Luan, N N, Jabbar, M A, Figuié, M, Quang, H V, Moustier, P, Binh, Vu T and Staal, S (2010) Estimating willingness to pay for quality and safety attributes of pork: Some empirical evidence from northern Vietnam. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 138-159.
Borin, K, Lapar, Ma. L A, Nga, N T D, Jabbar, M A, and Sokerya, S (2010) Consumer demand for Fresh and processed pork in Cambodia. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 160-168.
Lapar, Ma L A, Choubey, M, Patwari,P, Kumar,A, Baltenweck, I, Jabbar, M A, and Staal, S (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from references for attributes of raw and powdered milk in Assam, Northeast India. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.103-115.
Jabbar, M A and Admassu, S A (2010) Assessing consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of food in the absence of official standards: The case of beef, raw milk and local butter in Ethiopia. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.38-58.
Jabbar, M A and Islam, S M F (2010) Urban consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of meat and milk in Bangladesh. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp17-37.
Fadiga, M, Baker, D and Jabbar, M (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on
quality and safety attributes: Evidence from case studies: A summary of concepts, methods and findings. In: Jabbar, M A, Baker, D and Fadiga, M (Eds) (2010) Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes: Evidence from Asia and Africa. ILRI Research Report 24. ILRI, Nairobi, Ke Kenya. Pp2-16.
Islam, S M F and Jabbar, M A (2010) Consumer preferences and demand for livestock products in urban Bangladesh. ILRI Research Report 23. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 78pp.
Jabbar, M A (2010) Policy barriers for dairy value chain development in Bangladesh with a focus on the north west region. CARE Bangladesh, Dhaka. 76pp
World Bank (2010) Demand-led transformation of the livestock sector in India: Achievements, opportunities and challenges. South Asia Agriculture and Rural Development Report No 48412-IN, World Bank, Washington DC, USA. 189pp. (Principal contributor)
Jabbar, M A, Raha, S K, Rahman, M H and Talukder, R K (2009) Contractual arrangements for milk production and marketing by dairy producers in Bangladesh. Report prepared for ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 72pp.
Jabbar, M A (2009) Estimation of Private Stock of Rice in Bangladesh: In Search of a Practicable Methodology. National Food policy Capacity Strengthening Programme, Food policy Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Government of Bangladesh, and FAO, Dhaka. 49pp
Tiongco M, Lapar ML, Costales A, Son NT, Jabbar M and Staal S. (2009). Is contract farming really pro- poor? Empirical evidence in northern Vietnam. Contributed paper presented at the 27th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16-22 August 2009. Available at
Lapar L, Toan NN, Que NN, Jabbar M, Tisdell M and Staal S. (2009). Market outlet choices in the context of changing demand for fresh meat: Implications for smallholder inclusion in pork supply chain in Vietnam. Poster presented at the 27th triennial conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, China, 16-22 August, 2009.
Jabbar M and Amare S. (2009). Assessing consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of food in the absence of official standards: The case of beef in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the triennial conference of the Int International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16-22 August, 2009.
Islam S M F and Jabbar M. 2009. Quality and safety of milk in Bangladesh: What do consumers believe in? Paper presented at the triennial conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Beijing, China, 16- 22 August, 2009.
Jabbar, M A (2009) Outlook for meat markets to 2020: Global and Southeast Asia regional perspectives. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Vietnam’s Agricultural Outlook 2009, held from 24-25 March 2009 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
el Dirani OH, Jabbar MA and Babiker BI. (2008) Constraints in the market chains for export of Sudanese sheep and sheep meat to the Middle East. ILRI Research Report 16. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, M H, Talukder, R K and Raha, S K (2008) Formal and informal contract farming in poultry in Bangladesh. In Olaf Thiem (eds) Proceedings of the FAO conference on Poultry in the 21st Century- Avian Influenza and Beyond , Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 Nov 2007. FAO, Rome.
Negassa, A and Jabbar, M A (2008) Livestock ownership, commercial off take and related reasons in Ethiopia. ILRI Research Report no 8. ILRI, Nairobi. 58pp.
Jabbar, M A, Benin, S, Gabremedhin, E and Paulos, Z (2008) Market institutions and transaction costs influencing trader performance in live animal marketing in rural Ethiopian markets. Journal of African Economies (UK), Advanced Access published, March 7, 2008, 1-18.
Jabbar, M A and Akter, S (2008) Market and other factors affecting farm specific production efficiency in pig production in Vietnam. International Journal of Food and Agribusiness Marketing (USA), 20(3): 29-54.
Muguneiri, L, Costalgi, R, Osman, I O, Oyieke, S O, Jabbar, M, Negassa, A and Omore, A. (2008) A rapid appraisal of institutions supporting Somali livestock export. ILRI Discussion Paper no 14. ILRI and Terra Nuova, Nairobi, Kenya. 52pp.
Negassa, A, Costagli, R, Matete, G, Jabbar, M A, Oyieke, S O, Abdulle, and Omore, A. (2008) Towards improving livestock export marketing support services in the Somali context: Survey Findings and Implications. ILRI Discussion Paper No 13. ILRI and Terra Nuova, Nairobi, Kenya. 101pp.
Jabbar, M A, Rahman, M H, Talukder, R K T, and Raha, S K (2007) Alternative institutional arrangements for contract farming in poultry production in Bangladesh and their impacts on equity. ILRI Research Report no 7. ILRI, Nairobi. 100pp.
Jabbar, M A, Negassa, A and Taye, G. (2006) Geographical distribution of cattle and shoats populations and their market sheds in Ethiopia. Discussion paper 2, Improving Market Opportunities, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. 46pp.
Lapar, L and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Changing demand for pig meat and pig meat products and implications for smallholder market access and competitiveness. Paper presented at the workshop on Pig Systems in Asia and the Pacific: how can R&D enhance benefits to the poor? FAO, Bangkok, 23-24 Nov, 29pp.
Lapar, M. L., Trong Binh, V., Tuan Son, N., Tiongco, M., Jabbar, M., and Staal, S. (2006) The role of collective action in overcoming barriers to market access by smallholder producers: some empirical evidence from Northern Vietnam. Proceedings of Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders, Cali, Colombia, 2-5 October 2006. CAPRI, IFPRI.
Jabbar, M A, Benin, S, Gabre-Madhin, E and Paulos, Z. (2006) Trader behaviour and performance in live animal marketing in rural Ethiopian markets. Poster paper presented at the 26th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Gold Coast, Australia, 18-24 August. 15pp.
Getaneh, G, Adudgna, T and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Determinants of farmer participation in dairy market in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 18pp.
Gebremedhin, B and Jabbar, M A. (2006) Household market participation in live animals and livestock products in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 25pp.
Negassa, A and Jabbar, M A (2006) Determinants of household level livestock off take in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on the Ethiopian economy, Ethiopian Economic Association, ECA complex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-12 June. 20pp.
Jabbar, M A, Delgado, C and Minot, N. (2005) Contractual relations in markets. Paper presented at the workshop on ‘Unleashing Markets for Agricultural Growth in Ethiopia: Agenda for Action’, organized by the Ethiopian developing country exports. Keynote paper presented at the 19th Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-9 June.
Jabbar, M A (2005) Smallholders and contract farming: Relevance for the IPMS Project in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Expert Consultation Meeting on Input and Output Marketing Research and Development, , ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31 March – 1 April.
Jabbar, M A. and Benin, S (2005) Trader behaviour and transactions costs in live animal marketing in Ethiopian highland markets. In: J Pender, R Ruben, M Jabbar and E. Gabre-Madhin (eds) Policies for Improved Land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and Wageningen University. Pp 131-164.
Benin, S, Jabbar M A and Ehui, S (2005) Livestock marketing in the Ethiopian highlands: Changes in structure and conduct since 1991. In: J Pender, R Ruben, M Jabbar and E. Gabre-Madhin (eds) Policies for Improved Land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at the Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and University. pp. 105-125.
Jabbar, M A. (2004) Agricultural market development in Ethiopia – problems and issues. Paper presented at the Planning workshop for the project ‘Improved Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers’, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 30 June – 3 July, 2004. 9pp.
Jabbar, M A and Ayele, Gezahegn (2004) Livestock marketing, food security and related issues in Ethiopia. In: Gezahegn Ayele, S W Omamo and Eleni Gabre-Madhin (eds) The State of Food Security and Agricultural Marketing in Ethiopia. Proceedings of a Policy Form jointly Sponsored by the Ethiopian Development Research Institute and the East Africa Food policy Network of IFPRI, held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, 15-16 May, 2003. Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 145-16.
Costales, A, Delgado, C and Jabbar, M A (2004) Contract farming and other institutional arrangements in livestock markets in North Vietnam: issues and research methodology. Paper presented at the ADBI-UNESCAP Regional workshop on Contract Farming and Poverty Alleviation – Issues and Methodology, UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-12 August. 27pp.
Nin Pratt,A, Bonnet, P, Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S and de Haan, C (2004) Benefits and costs of compliance of sanitary regulations in livestock markets: the case of rift valley fever in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 17-19, 2004, Washington D.C., U.S. 63pp.
Nin Pratt,A, Bonnet, P, Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S and de Haan, C (2004) Benefits and costs of compliance of sanitary regulations in livestock markets: the case of rift valley fever in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists, 6-9 December 2004, Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. 22pp.
Solomon, A, Workalemahu, A, Jabbar, M A, Ahmed, M M. and Hurissa, Belachew (2003) Livestock marketing in Ethiopia: A review of structure, performance and development options. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 52. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 28pp.
Jabbar, M A, and Diedhiou, M L. (2003) Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers? Evidence from West Africa. Ecological Economics (USA) 45(3):461-472.
Jabbar, M A, Islam, S M F, Mehta, R, NaRanong, V, Tiongco, M, Costales, a and Delgado, C (2003) Economies of scale and contract farming in poultry and egg production in South and Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists conf, Durban, 16-22 Aug.
Jabbar, M A. (2002) Livestock and hides and skins marketing in Kenya: Problems and investment needs. Report prepared for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote de’Ivoire. 10pp.
Jabbar, M A, Kiruthu, S, Gebremedhin, B, and Ehui, S (2002) Essential actions to meet quality requirements of hides, skins and semi-processed leather from Africa. Report prepared for the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 66pp.
Kamuanga, M., Tano, K., Pokou, K., Jabbar, M., and d'Ieteren, G. (2001) . Farmer preferences of cattle breeds, their market values and prospects for improvement in West Africa: a summary review. Identification and enhancement of mechanisms of acquired and genetic resistance. Proceedings of a workshop. ICPTV Newsletter (UK). no. 4 . European Union Concerted Action on Integrated Control of Pathogenic Trypanosomes and their Vectors, Glasgow (UK). Glasgow (UK): EUCA-ICPTV. Workshop on Identification and Enhancement of Mechanisms of Acquired and Genetic Resistance, Banjul (The Gambia), 20-23 Mar 2000. p. 7-8.
Staal, S J and Jabbar, M A. (2000). Markets and livestock in the coming decades: implications for smallholder highland producers. In: P M Tulachan, M A Mohamed Saleem, J Maki-Hokkonen and T. Partap (eds) Contribution of livestock to mountain livelihoods – Research and development issues. ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp.57-70.
Mengesha, Yshak and Jabbar, M A. (eds and compilers) (2000) Handbook of livestock statistics for developing countries. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper no 26. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 286pp.
Jabbar, M. A. (1998). Buyer preferences for sheep and goats in southern Nigeria: A hedonic price analysis. Agricultural Economics (Netherlands) 18: 21-30.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, B. M., d’Iteren, G. D. and Busari, A. A. (1997) Farmer preferences and market values of cattle breeds of West and Central Africa. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 21. LPAP, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Tambi, E. and Mullins, Gary (1997). A research methodology for characterizing dairy marketing systems. Market-oriented Dairy Research Working Document No 3. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 62pp.
Jabbar, M.A., Swallow, Brent and d'Ieteren, Guy (1995). “The demand for trypanotolerant cattle: Evidence on farmers' breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” Paper presented at the 23rd meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Banjul, The Gambia, 11-15 September. 24pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1995). Market niches for increased small ruminant production in Southern Nigeria. Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 23(1): 85-96.
Jabbar, M.A. and di Domenico, C.M. (1993). Demand for dairy products among the indigenous population of Southern Nigeria. Indian J. of Dairy Science, 46(8): 363-370.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993) “Market potential for increased small ruminant production in Southwest Nigeria.” In: A Ayeni
and H G Bosman (Eds.): Goat Production Systems in the Humid Tropics. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen. pp. 97-107.
Jabbar, M.A. and di Domenico, C. M. (1992). “Dairy consumption patterns in Southern Nigeria.” In: R F Brokken and S. Seyoum (eds.). Dairy marketing in Sub-saharan Africa. Proceedings of a conference. ILRI Addis Ababa, 26-30 November 1990. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 185-202.
Jabbar, M.A. and Raha, S.K. (1984). Consumption pattern of milk and milk products in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 7(2): 29-44.
Jabbar, M.A. and Islam, Md. Shariful (1981). Elasticity of demand for fertilizer and its implication for subsidy. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 4(1): 47-57.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). Supply, distribution and pricing chemical fertilizers in Bangladesh. Jl of Social Studies (Bangladesh), 13: 48-69.
Jabbar, M.A. and Mandal, M.A.S. (1980). A survey on weight and land measurement units used in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 3(1):101-14.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Supply, Delivery System and Utilization of Chemical Fertilizers in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Dhaka. 69 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1979). Fertilizing behaviour of a sample of Bangladesh Farms. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(2): 75-72.
Jabbar, M.A. (1972). A note on the price response studies in relation to jute. Indian J. Ag. Econ. 27(1): 99-100.
Jabbar, M.A. (1971). Problems and prospects of jute. Pakistan Econ. and Social Review, 9(2): 98-105.
Policies, Institutions and Economic Development
Jabbar, M A (2015) The ASEAN strategic plan of action for livestock subsector 2016-20. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 26pp.
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2015) A Multi-Stakeholder Dairy Platform for the Asia-Pacific Region: Justification and Issues to be Considered for Formation and Management. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.
Jabbar, M A (2014) The ASEAN strategic plan 2016-25 for food, agriculture and forestry: The Livestock sub-sector. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 59pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mal, Bhag and Ghodake, R (2015) A Synthesis of the Status of Agricultural Research and Investment to Support Sustainable Development in Countries of Asia and the Pacific. Paper presented at the High-Level Policy Dialogue on Investments in Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region, Bangkok, 8-9 December 2015. 35pp.
Jabbar, M A (2014) The ASEAN strategic plan 2016-25 for food, agriculture and forestry: The Livestock sub-sector. Report prepared for FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, and the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. 59pp.
Leitch, H., Ahuja,V and Jabbar, M. (2014) Livestock sub-sector: Opportunities for action to improve performance.
In: Republic of India: Accelerating agricultural productivity growth, World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA, pp. 99-112.
Leitch, H., Ahuja, V and Jabbar, M. (2013) “India’s Livestock Sector: Demand Growth, Food Security and Public
Investment – Issues and options.” Background Paper for the Book Republic of India: Accelerating agricultural productivity growth, World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA. 60pp.
Ahmed, A U, Aberman, N, Jabbar, M A and Akhtar, N (2011) Policy perspectives of the country investment plan
for food and nutrition security in Bangladesh. Submitted by the International Food Policy research Institute, Policy Research and Strategy Support Program for Food Security and Agricultural Development in Bangladesh, to the Food Policy Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Food, Dhaka. 51pp.
Jabbar, M A, Ziauddin, A T M, and Abedin, M Z. (2011) Impact of an agricultural development project on
technology adoption and crop yields of resource poor farmers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 34(1-2): 55-75.
Jabbar, M A (2011) Policy constraints for implementation of the proposed programs for investment in agriculture,
food security and nutrition in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA. 47pp.
Johnson, S R and Jabbar, M A (2009) Food Security and Food Policy Courses/Degree Programs: Possible Topics.
prepared for the FAO, Dhaka as part of the interim consultancy report on “Feasibility and Design of Post-Graduate Courses on Food Security in Bangladesh Universities” December 2009. 16pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (2008) Dairy Development for the Resource Poor. Part 1: A Comparison of
Dairy Policies in South Asia and East Africa. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 73pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) (2008) Dairy development for the resource poor: Part 2- Pakistan and
India Dairy Development Case studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy. and ILRI. Nairobi, Kenya.74pp.
Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) (2008) Part 3- Kenya and Ethiopia Dairy Development Case Studies.
FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 78pp
Mahmood, K, Jabbar, M A and Paulos, Z (2008) Dairy development in Pakistan. In: Staal, S, Nin Pratt, A and
Jabbar, M A (eds) Dairy development for the resource poor: Part 2- Pakistan and India Dairy Development Case studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy. and ILRI. Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1-47.
Nin Pratt, A, Jabbar, M A, Paulos, Z and Mulugeta, E. (2008) Dairy development in Ethiopia. In: Staal, S, Nin
Pratt, A and Jabbar, M A (eds) Part 3- Kenya and Ethiopia Dairy Development Case Studies. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Rome, Italy, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 38-66.
Jabbar, M A, Astatke, A, Peden, D, Abate, G and Biri, T. (2005) Community based indicators for sustainable
development: a framework and an application in an Ethiopian community. In: A D Maples (ed) Sustainable Development: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York. Pp.115-138.
Akter, S, Jabbar, M A, and Ehui, S. (2004) Competitiveness of pig and poultry production in Vietnam: Outcome of
Policy Analysis Matrix. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture (Germany) 43(2):177-192.
Okumu, B, Russel, N, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Pender, J. (2004) Economic
impacts of technology, population growth and soil erosion at watershed level: the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Economics (UK), 55 (3):503-524. (Revised version of Okumu, B, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Russel, N, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Pender, J. (2000) Technology and policy impacts on nutrient flows, soil erosion and economic performance at watershed level: application of a bioeconomic model. Paper presented at the Global Development Network (GDN) Conference on Beyond Economics – Multidisciplinary Approaches to Development, Tokyo, Japan, 11-13 December, 24pp. (Awarded second place medal by GDN under Social and Environmental Sustainability theme).
Gaspart, Frederic, Jabbar, M A, Melard, Catherine and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (1998). Participation in the
construction of a local public good with indivisibilities: an application to watershed development
in Ethiopia. Journal of African Economies (UK) 7(2): 157-184.
Jabbar, M.A. and Colman, David (1990). The potential benefits of reallocation of government subsidies in
Bangladesh. Journal of International Development (UK) 2 (3): 380-398.
Jabbar, M.A. and Colman, David (1988). Government subsidies, income distribution, growth, and employment in
Bangladesh. Manchester Discussion Paper on Development, International Development Centre, University of Manchester, U.K. 48pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Food production in Bangladesh: policy, strategy and consequences. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,
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Jabbar, M.A. (1983). "Economic development of bypassed areas in Asia". In: The Importance of By-passed Areas
in Asian Economic Development. Proceedings of a seminar. National Institute for Research Advancement, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 172-73.
Chowdhury, S.N.I. and Jabbar, M.A. (1979). Development orientation of local government in Bangladesh: The
case of Union Parisad. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(1): 1-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Farm structure and resource productivity in selected areas of Bangladesh. Ag. Econ. and
Rural Social Science Paper No. 3, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 120 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1974). Role of agriculture in economic development: the competitive approach vs Soviet control –
Comment. Canadian J. Ag. Econ., 32(1): 63-64.
Jabbar, M.A. (1972). “Importance of social system for introducing cooperative farming (in Bengali).“ In:
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Cooperative Farming, held at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Comilla, 24-26 April, 1972, pp.82-101.
Land Management, Degradation and Conservation
Jabbar, M A and Ayele, Gezahegn (2011) Land degradation in the Oromiya highlands in Ethiopia: Household and
community perspectives on the nature, causes and policy implications. Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany. 111pp
Pender, J, Ruben, R, Jabbar, M and Gabre-Madhin, E (eds) (2005) Policies for Improved Land Management in the
Ethiopian Highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of a workshop held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-20 February, 2004. EPTD Workshop Summary paper 17. IFRI, ILRI and Wageningen University.215pp.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, and Tanner, D. (2003). Participatory conservation tillage research: An experience
with minimum tillage on an Ethiopian highland vertisols. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Netherlands)
Tefera, Bezuayehu , Ayele, Gezaheghn, Atnafe, Yigezu, Jabbar, M A, and Dubale, Paulos (2002). Nature and
causes of land degradation in Oromiya region, Ethiopia – a review. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 36, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 77pp.
Astatke, Abiye and Jabbar, M. (2001) Low-cost animal drawn implements for Vertisol management and strategies
for land use intensification. In: Sayers, J.K., Penning de Vries, F.W.T. and Nyamudeza, P. (eds) The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. CAB International, Wallingford, UK in association with International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Pp.189-202.
Jabbar, M A, Pender, John and Ehui, Simeon (eds) (2000) Policies for sustainable land management in the
highlands of Ethiopia - Summary of Papers and Proceedings of a Seminar held at The International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22-23 May, 2000. EPTD Workshop Summary paper no 9, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. 73pp.
Jabbar, M A, Pender, John and Ehui, Simeon (eds) (2000) Policies for sustainable land management in the
highlands of Ethiopia. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working paper No 30. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. 55pp.
Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Orok, E. J., Idiong, N.B. and Cobbina, J. (1993) Alchornea cordifolia, a promising
indigenous browse species adapted to acid soils in Southeastern Nigeria for integrated crop-livestock agroforestry production systems. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 22(1): 33-41.
Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Atta-Krah, A. N. and Cobbina, J. (1993) Effect of taking a fodder crop on maize grain
yield and soil chemical properties in Leucaena and Gliricidia alley farming systems in Western Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 29(3): 317-321.
Natural Resources, Watershed and Ecosystem Management
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2017) Dairy and climate change interface with a focus on the Asia-Pacific
region: An exploratory review. Dairy Asia Working Paper Series – Paper No. 2017-5. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. 43pp.
Okumu, B N, Russel, N, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Pender, J. (2004) Technology,
policy and population growth impacts on economic performance, nutrient flows and soil erosion at watershed level: the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Discussion paper no 404. School of Economic Studies, University of Manchester, UK. 37pp. (
Okumu, B, Russel, N, Jabbar M A, Colman, D, Saleem M A, and Pender, J (2003) Watershed level impact of
technology and policy on nutrient flows, soil erosion and economic performance- the case of Ginchi in Ethiopia. Selected as one of the 20 best posters presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists conference, Durban, 16-22 August.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M A, Colman, D and Russel, N (2002) A bioeconomic model of integrated crop-livestock
farming systems: the case of the Ginchi watershed in Ethiopia. In : C Barrett, Frank Place and A A Aboud (eds) Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices. CABI, UK. Pp.235-249.
Jabbar, M., Mamo, Tekalign and M. Saleem, M A. (2001). From plot to watershed management: Experience in
farmer participatory Vertisol technology generation and adoption in highland Ethiopia. In: Syers, J.K., Penning de Vries, F.W.T. and Nyamudeza, P. (eds) The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. CAB International, Wallingford, UK in association with IWMI. Pp.173-186.
Klaij, M.C. and Jabbar, M A (2001) Towards sustainable watershed development and management: the case of
participatory design and construction of a communal drain system. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.219-226.
Jabbar, M A (2000) From vertisols to highlands. Case study 5 under the theme ‘Managing Natural Resources’. In:
Equity, Well-Being, and Ecosystem Health – Participatory Research for natural Resource Management. CGIAR Program on participatory Research and Gender Analysis, Cali, Colombia. Pp. 23-25.
Jabbar, M A, Peden, D G, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Li-Pun, Hugo (eds) (2000) Agroecosystems, natural
resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC-ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-15 May 1998. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 242pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li Pun, H (2000) Enhanced human well-being through improved
livestock and NRM in the East African highlands – a draft research proposal. In: Jabbar, M A, Peden, D G, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Li-Pun, Hugo (eds) Agroecosystems, natural resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC-ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-15 May 1998. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 179-197.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li-Pun, Hugo (2001). Evolution towards transdisciplinarity in
technology and resource management research: The case of a project in Ethiopia. In: J T Klein, W Grossenbatcher-Mansuy, R Haberli, A Bill, R W Scholz and M Welti (eds) Transdiscplinarity - Joint Problem Solving among Science, Technology and Society. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland. Pp167-172. (Awarded Diploma for being one of the 5 best papers short listed for Swiss Transdisciplinarity Award presented at the Transdisciplinarity conference held in Zurich, Switzerland, 28 February – 1 March, 2000). Also published as “Towards transdisciplinarity in technology and resource management research: a project in Ethiopia. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) (2001) 30(4): 257-260.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M. A, Colman, D and Russel, N. (1999). Watershed conservation in the Ethiopian highlands:
Application of a bioeconomic model. Paper presented at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Tokyo, Japan, 24-26 June. 15pp.
Okumu, Ben, Jabbar, M, Colman, D and Russel, N. (1999) Bioeconomic modelling of watershed resources. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 8-11 August.
Li-Pun, H., Jabbar, M A, and Thornton, P. K. (1999). “Ecoregional research at ILRI: Background.” In: P K
Thornton and A N Odero (eds) Proceedings of the Workshop on Ecoregional Research at ILRI, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 5-8 October, 1998. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.1-16.
Land Tenure and Land Reform
Jabbar, M A, and Ayele, Gezahegn (2002) Evolution of property rights in the highlands of Oromiya region,
Ethiopia. Paper presented at the workshop on sustainable land management in the highlands of Oromiya, 24-25 March, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 24pp.
Lawry, S., Stienbarger, D. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). Land tenure and the potential for adoption of alley farming in
West Africa. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 23(3): 83-187. Also published in: In: B T Kang et al. (eds.) Alley Farming Research and Development: Proceedings of an International Conference on Alley Farming, Ibadan, Nigeria, 14-18 September, 1992. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 464-471.
Jabbar, M.A., Mandal, M.A.S. and Elahi, K.Q. (1981). Usufructuary land mortgage: a process contributing to
growing landlessness in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 3(2): 1-20.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Land System in the Garo, Hajong and Santal Communities of Bangladesh. Report prepared
for the University Grant Commission, Dhaka. 69 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). "Group farming and management in Bangladesh" In: Improving Farm Management Teaching
in Asia. Proceedings of a seminar. Agricultural Development Council, Inc., Bangkok, pp.141-48.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Some socioeconomic aspects of lawsuits in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 1(2):53-71.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Conceptual issues related to classification of land tenure systems in Bangladesh. Bangladesh
J. Ag. Econ., 1(1): 17-29.
Ratnatunga, M and Jabbar, M A (1978) Land problems and policy. In : Agrarian structure and rural change.
Report prepared for the First FAO World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. Chapter 12, 37pp
Jabbar, M A (1978) "Land Reform in Bangladesh". In: Agrarian structure and rural change. Report prepared for
the First FAO World Conference on agrarian Reform and Rural Development by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. Chapter 14, 35-49.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). "Land tenure system in Bangladesh" In: Agrarian structure and rural change.
Report prepared for the First FAO World Conference on agrarian Reform and Rural Development by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka, Chapter 3. 233-241.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Land redistribution, technological improvement, employment generation: an analysis with
Bangladesh data. Farm Management Notes for Asia and the Far East (FAO, Bangkok), 12: 22-29.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Relative productive efficiency of different tenure classes in selected areas of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Dev Studies, 6(1): 17-50.
Jabbar, M.A. (1975). Share cropping and economic efficiency in Bangladesh - Comment. Bangladesh Development
Studies, 4(2): 253-59.
Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability
Jabbar, M A, Islam, S M F, Delgado, C, Ehui, S, Akanda, M A I, Khan, Mi and Kamruzzaman, M (2005) Policy and scale factors influencing efficiency in dairy and poultry production in Bangladesh. ILRI, Nairobi, Bangabandhu Shaikh Mujibur Rahman Agric University, Bangladesh and SLP. 120pp.
Jabbar, M A and Akter, S. (2005) Market and other factors influencing farm specific production efficiency in poultry production in Vietnam. Journal of Food Products Marketing (USA) 12 (2):101-115.
Okike, I O, Jabbar, M, A, Manyong, V, Smith, J W, and Ehui, S. (2004) Factors affecting farm-specific economic efficiency in the West African savannas. Journal of African Economies (UK) 13(1): 134-165.
Akter, S, Jabbar, M A, and Ehui, S. (2003) Competitiveness and efficiency in poultry and pig production in Vietnam. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 57, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 60pp.
Ehui, S K and Jabbar, M A. (2002) Measuring productivity in African agriculture: a survey of applications of the
superlative index numbers approach. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working paper 38, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 21pp.
Ehui, S, Paulos, Z, Solomon, A, Benin, S, Gebremedhin, B, Jabbar, M, and Pender, J. (2002) Interregional
comparison of agricultural production efficiency in the Ethiopian highlands. In: Benin, S, Pender, J and Ehui, S (eds) Policies on sustainable land management in the East African highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of the conference held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,24-26 April, 2002. EPTD Workshop Summary Paper No 13, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. Pp.111-115.
Ehui, S.K. and Jabbar M.A. (1997). “A framework for evaluating the sustainability and economic viability of crop
livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa.” In: Roger Rose, Carolyn Tanner and Margot A Bellamy (Eds) Issues in agricultural competitiveness – markets and policies. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held at Harare, Zimbabwe, 22-29 August, 1994. (IAAE Occassional Paper No 7). Dartmouth Publishing, UK. pp. 406-414.
Jabbar, M. A., Okoruwa, Victor, and Akinwumi, J. A. (1996). “Trade-off between crop and livestock production in
the west African moist savanna.” Paper presented at the All-Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 4-6 April. 15pp.
Ehui, S.K. and Jabbar, M.A. (1995). “Measuring the sustainability of crop-livestock systems in Sub-Saharan
Africa: Methods and data requirements.” In: J.M. Powell et al., (eds.): Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Vol II: Technical papers proceedings of an International Conference held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22-26 November, 1993. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp.453-460.
Jabbar, M.A., Larbi, A. and Reynolds, L. (1994). Profitability of alley farming with and without fallow in
southwest Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 30(3): 319-328.
Murshed, S.M.M., Jabbar, M.A. and Mandal, M.A.S. (1984). Crop sector output and employment growth in
Bangladesh agriculture, 1967-70 to 1979-82. Prepared for the North- South Institute, Ottawa, Canada. 60pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1977). Management and returns to scale in agriculture. Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 6: 157-64.
Jabbar, M A (1976) An investigation into the effect of farm structure on resource productivity in selected areas of
Bangladesh. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Wales, UK. Pp.219.
Jabbar, M A (1970) Economics of white jute production improvement in selected areas of Mymensingh.
Unpublished Master’s thesis, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Pp.112.
Agricultural Intensification and Evolution of Production Systems
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Manyong, V, Smith, J and Ehui, S (2005) Ecological and economic factors influencing
agricultural intensification in savanna West Africa: evidence from northern Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 27(2): 5-37.
Baltenweck I., Staal S., Ibrahim M.N.M., Herrero M., Holmann F., Jabbar M., Manyong V., Patil B.R.,
Thornton P., Williams T., Waithaka M. and de Wolff T. (2003). Crop–livestock intensification and interactions across three continents. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya, CIAT (International Centre for Tropical Agriculture), Cali, Colombia, IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture), Ibadan, Nigeria, University of Paradeniya, Paradeniya, Sri Lanka and BAIF India. 118 pp.
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Manyong, V, Smith, J W., Akinwumi, J A and Ehui, S. (2001) Agricultural intensification and efficiency in the West African savannas: evidence from northern Nigeria. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 33, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 47pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1995). “Energy and the evolution of farming systems: Potentials of mixed farming in the moist
savanna of sub-Saharan Africa.” In: Kang et al. (eds.). Moist savanas of Africa: Potentials and constraints to crop production. Proceedings of the workshop on sustainable cropping systems for the moist lowland savanna zone of sub-Saharan Africa, held in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 11-23, September, 1994. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp.87-106. Also published in Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 25(1) (1995):27-36.
Okoruwa, Victor, Jabbar, M A, Akinwumi, J A. (1996). Crop-livestock competition in West African Derived
Savanna: Application of a multiobjective programming model. Agricultural Systems (Netherlands) 52(4): 439-452.
Jabbar, M.A., Reynolds, L. and Francis, P.A. (1995). Sedentarization of cattle farmers in the derived savanna
region of southwest Nigeria: Results of a survey. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 27(1): 55-64.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993). Evolving crop-livestock farming systems in the humid zone of West Africa: Potential and
research needs. Outlook on Agriculture (UK). 22(1): 13-21. Also reprinted in the Jl of Farming Systems Research-Extension (USA) 4(3):47-60, 1994.
On-Farm and Farming Systems Research
Jabbar, M A, Negatu, W, Astatke, A and Gebreselassie, S (2002) Impact of stakeholder participation in
technology diffusion: A case study in highland Ethiopia. A report to the CGIAR Systemwide Programme on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, CIAT, Columbia. 29pp.
Tulachan, P, Jabbar, M A, and Mohamed Saleem, M A (eds) (2002) Smallholder dairy in mixed farming systems
of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. System study report. ICIMOD, Kathmandu and ILRI, Addis Ababa. 92pp.
Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Li Pun, H (2000) From component technology to integrated resource
management: evolution toward transdisciplinary research in a project in Ethiopia. In: Haberli, R, Scholz, R W, Bill, A, Welti, M. (eds.) Transdisciplinarity: Workbook I. Proceedings of the Transdisciplinarity 2000 conference on joint problem solving among science, technology and society, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Feb – 1 March, 2000. Haffimans Sachbuch Verlag AG, Zurich, Swuitzerland, pp. 275-279.
Devendra, C., Thomas, D., Jabbar, M. A., and Zerbini, E. (2000) Improvement of livestock production in crop-
animal systems in agroecological zones of South Asia. ILRI, Nairobi. 127pp.
Kassie, Menale, Jabbar, M. A., Kassa, Belay and Mohamed Saleem, M. A. (1999) Benefits of integration of cereals
and forage legumes with and without crossbred cows in mixed farms; An ex ante analysis for highland Ethiopia. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 14 (1): 31-48.
Devendra, C., Thomas, D. , Jabbar, M A, and Kudo, H. (1997). Livestock improvement in crop-animal farming
systems in the rainfed agro-ecological zones of South East Asia. ILRI, Nairobi. 107pp.
Jabbar, M.A., Larbi, A., and Reynolds, L. (1996). Alley farming for improving small ruminant productivity in West
Africa: ILRI's experiences. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 20, Livestock Policy Analysis Programme, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 96pp.
Reynolds, L. and Jabbar, M. A. (1995). “Livestock in alley farming systems: ILCA's experiences.” In: B.T. Kang et
al. (eds.). Alley Farming Research and Development: Proceedings of an International Conference on Alley Farming, Ibadan, Nigeria, 14-18 Sept, 1992. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 52-72.
Reynolds, L. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). The role of alley farming in African livestock production. Outlook on
Agriculture (UK) 23(2): 105-113.
Jabbar, M. A. (1992) “Evolving crop-livestock farming systems in the humid zone of West Africa: Potential and
research needs.” In: Towards a New Paradigm for Farming Systems Research/Extension. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Farming Systems Symposium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 13-18 Sept. 1992. pp.402-419.
Jabbar, M. A. and Cobbina, J. (1992). “Food-forage crop production systems for smallholder farms." Proceedings of a conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 12-18 August, 1990. IRRI, Manila, the Philippines. pp. 540-555.
Jabbar, M.A., Cobbina, J. and Reynolds, L (1992). Optimum fodder-mulch allocation of tree foliage under alley
farming in Southwest Nigeria. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 20(3):187-198.
Jabbar, M. A. (1990). Methodology for incorporating gender concerns into farming systems research: A
Nigerian experience. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Symposium of the Association of Farming systems Research - Extension, held at the Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, 14-17 Oct, 26pp.
Jabbar, M. A. and Cobbina, J. (1990). Crop-livestock interaction for sustainable food crop production in tropical
Africa. Paper presented at the Workshop on Sustainable Food Production Systems in Tropical Africa, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 28 June - 6 July, 11pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Abedin, Md. Z. (1989). The evolution and significance of on-farm and farming systems
research in BARI, Bangladesh. OFCOR Case Study No. 3, International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, Netherlands. 119pp.
Howes, Michael and Jabbar, M.A. (1986). Rural fuel shortages in Bangladesh – the evidence from four villages.
Discussion paper No DP213. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. UK, 44 pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Socio-economic profile of twelve
villages in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka. 64pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Present farming systems and its
prospects in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka, 60 pp.
Jabbar,M.A. (1984). “Planning and budgeting small farmer activities.” In: Shamsul Alam (Ed). ASARRD Project
on Small Farmer Development: Papers and Proceedings of Workshops. Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal, M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1984). Tangail Agricultural Development
Project: Report on Socioeconomic Study of Tubewell Schemes. Prepared for the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Dhaka. 55 pp.
Adoption and Impact of Technologies and Evaluation of Projects
Jabbar, M A, Ziauddin, A T M, and Abedin, M Z (2010) Towards improving food security and sustainable livelihoods of resource poor farmers in Bangladesh: Impact of the FoSHoL project. International
Rice Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 94pp.
Jabbar, M A (2004) Assessing the poverty consequences of contract farming: Some methodological
considerations. Paper presented at the ADBI-UNESCAP Regional workshop on Contract Farming and Poverty Alleviation – Issues and Methodology, UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-12 Aug., 7pp
Lapar, L, and Jabbar, M A (2003) A GIS based characterisation of livestock and feed resources in the humid and
sub-humid zones in five countries in South East Asia. CASREN paper No 2. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 72pp.
Jabbar, M. A., Beyene, Hailu, Mohamed Saleem, M. A., and Gebreselassie, Solomon (2003) Role of knowledge in
the adoption of new agricultural technologies: An approach and an application. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (Switzerland) 2(3/4): 312-327.
Concheda, G, Berhe, K and Jabbar, M A. (2002) A GIS analysis of target priority areas for adoption of five
multipurpose tree species in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. In: proceedings of the international workshop on forage demand and adoption by smallholder livestock keepers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 18-20 June, 2001. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 1-14.
Ayele, Gezahegn, Jabbar, M A and Zerfu, Elias (2001) Diffusion and adoption of Verisols technology package in
highland Ethiopia. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.263-272
Berhe, Kahsay, Concheda, Giulia, Jabbar, M A (2001) Areas suitable for adoption of five leguminous trees and
shrubs in Ethiopia: A digital data-based analysis. Ethiopian J. Natural Resource Management 3(1): 77-97.
Concheda, Giulia, Berhe, Kahsay and Jabbar, M A (2001) A GIS based analysis of the likelihood of adoption of
some multi-purpose tree species in East Africa. Forest, Trees and Livelihoods (UK) 11:329-346.
Jabbar, M A, Beyene, Hailu, Mohamed Saleem, M A and Gebreselassie, Solomon (1998). Adoption pathways for
new agricultural technologies: An approach and an application to Vertisols management technology in Ethiopia. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 23. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 27pp.
Kassi, Menale, Jabbar, M A and Kassa, Belay (1998). An analysis of the implications of forage legumes and a
cereal based cropping system for sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia - A linear programming approach. Science, Technology and Development (UK)16(3): 32-50.
Jabbar, M.A., Reynolds, L., Larbi, A. and Smith, J. (1997). Nutritional and economic benefits of Leucaena and
Gliricidia as feed supplements for small ruminants in humid west Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 29:35-47.
Avila, M. and Jabbar, M. A. (1992). “Socioeconomic assessment of alley farming.” In: B.R. Tripathi and P J
Psychas (eds.). The AFNETA Alley Farming Training Manual - Vol I. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. pp.6.1-6.25.
Jabbar, M. A. (1990). Socioeconomic aspects of diffusion and adoption of alley farming. Paper presented at the
Training for Trainer Workshop on Alley Farming. IITA, Ibadan. 8-30 May, 12 pp.
Farm Income, Labour and Employment
Jabbar, M. A., Murshed, S. M. M and Mandal, M. A. S. (1991) “Labour absorption and surplus labour in the crop
sector of Bangladesh agriculture, 1967-70 to 1979-82.” In: Musharraf Hossain (ed) Agriculture in Bangladesh – Performance. University Press Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Ch XV, pp. 282-293.
Jabbar, M.A. (1988). Some aspects of unemployment, migration and income in the Bangladesh rural labour market.
Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 11(2): 35-48.
Jabbar, M.A. and Sarker, R.I. (1987). Gana Unnayan Prochesta sugarcane production and gur (brown sugar)
processing project: an evaluation. Prepared for The Intermediate Technology Development Group, Rugby, UK. 47 pp.
Husain, A.M.M., Jabbar, M.A., Mandal M.A.S. and Jaim, W.M.H. (1985). Socio-economic factors related to farm
production and income in selected villages in Tangail district. Prepared for GTZ, Dhaka.124 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). Wheat agronomy and input-output relationship in Mymensingh. Research Report, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka. 62 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1981). "Constraints on employment expansion in crop production in Bangladesh". In: Rizwanul
Islam (ed): Employment Expansion with Local Resource Mobilization. International Labour Organization. Asian Regional Team on Employment Promotion, ILO, Bangkok, pp.75-89.
Jabbar, M.A. and Karim, Mahmudul (1979). An Economic Study on Bangladesh Fisheries. Background Paper for
Second Five Year Plan. Prepared for the Planning Commission. Dhaka.59 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Karim, Mahmudul (1979). Economics of alternative technologies for harvesting and processing
marine fish in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 2(1) : 75-94.
Jabbar, M.A. (1978). Business characteristics of selected farms in Mymensingh and Kushtia. Research Report No.
1, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, BAU, Mymensingh, 29 pp.
Jabbar, M.A. and Faruque, A.K.M. (1978). Labour requirements for production of major crops in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 1 (1): 101-13
Jabbar, M.A. and Haque, M.F. (1972). Cost-return analysis of aus paddy production in Muktagacha, Mymensingh.
Farm Management Research Report No. 6, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research, Bangladesh Agric. University, Mymensingh, 18pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1970). Economics of producing irrigated crops in East Pakistan. Pakistan J Science, 22(3-4):185-92.
Jabbar, M.A. and Quddus, M.A. (1970). Labour use and productivity of some irrigated crops in East Pakistan.
Pakistan J of Science, 22(3-4): 195-99.
Agricultural Credit
Jabbar, M A, Ehui, S K, von Kaufmann, R. (2002) Supply and demand for livestock credit in sub-Saharan Africa:
lessons for designing new credit schemes. World Development (USA) 30(6): 1029-1042. Also published in Proceedings of the workshop on structures of short- and medium-term finance to small-scale farmers, Nairobi, Organised by the Common Fund for Commodities and Kenya Planters Cooperative union Ltd. Kenya, 4-6 April, 2001. pp.161-180.
Jabbar, M A. (2002) Micro credit for livestock development in the arid/semi-arid areas of Kenya - Investment
opportunities and credit supply mechanisms. Report prepared for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote de’Ivoire. 17pp.
Freeman, H. A., Jabbar, M. A., and Ehui, S. K. (Eds) (1998) The role of credit in the uptake and productivity of
improved dairy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. Socioeconomic and Policy Research Working Paper No 22. LPAP, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 84pp.
Freeman, H A., Ehui, S. K. and Jabbar, M. A. (1998) Credit constraints and smallholder dairy production
in the East African highlands: Application of a switching regression model. Agricultural Economics (Netherlands) 19 (1-2): 33-44.
Freeman, H. A., Jabbar, M. A. and Ehui, S. K. (1996). “Credit markets and the uptake of improved dairy
technologies in Ethiopia.” Paper presented at the All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 4-6 April. 13pp.
Freeman, H. A, Jabbar, M. A., Ehui, S. K., and Nega Gebreselassie (1996) The role of credit in the uptake of improved dairy technologies in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Jl of Ag Econ. 1(1): 1-17.
Elahi, K.Q. and Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Administration of agricultural credit in Bangladesh. Research Report No. 4, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, BAU, Mymensingh. 116pp.
Livestock, Food Security, Human Nutrition and Development
Jabbar, M A and Ahuja, V (2011) Linking school milk with dairy development strategy: Thai experience and
design considerations for pilot school milk project in Bangladesh. Report prepared for the FAO, Bangkok,
Thailand. 68pp.
Tangka, F K L, Emerson, R D and Jabbar, M A (2010) Crossbred cows and food security – A study of smallholder
farm households in the Ethiopian highlands. Lambert academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany. 134pp.
Johnson, S R and Jabbar, M A (2009) Food Security and Food Policy Courses/Degree Programs: Possible Topics.
Appendix 5 of the interim consultancy report on “Feasibility and Design of Post-Graduate Courses on Food Security in Bangladesh Universities” prepared for the FAO, Dhaka December 2009.
Jabbar, M A, Negassa, A and Taye, G. (2007) Geographical distribution of cattle and shoats populations and their
market sheds in Ethiopia. Discussion paper 2, Improving Market Opportunities, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. 46pp.
Jabbar, M A and Delgado, C (2005) Policies and institutions for poultry and dairy development in Bangladesh.
Invited article in the Souvenir for the Third Graduation Ceremony, Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Chittagong, pp. 21-24.
Okike, I, Jabbar, M A, Abate, G. and Ketema, L (2005) Household and environmental factors influencing
anthropometric outcomes in pre-school children in a rural Ethiopian community. Ecology of Food and Nutrition (USA), 43(3): 167-187.
Islam, S M F and Jabbar M A (2005) Smallholder poultry model for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh: a review of
evidence on impact. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 17, No 10, Article #112. (Retrieved October 10, 2005 from
Jabbar, M A and Sere, C. (2004) Family poultry production: the potential contribution of international research. Invited paper for the World Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-13 June, 2004. 15pp
Jabbar, M A. (2004) Smallholder livestock for poverty alleviation: Issues and prospects. Invited keynote paper,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 12 May 2004. 23pp
Jabbar, M A (2003) Livestock in food security and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. Invited article in the
Souvenir for the First Graduation Ceremony, Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Pp. 45-48.
Ketema, L, Abate, G, and Jabbar, M. (2003) Correlates of children’s cognitive skills in an agrarian community with
mixed crop-livestock production systems, Ginchi, Central Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal. 41(2): 151-162.
Ahmed, M M, Emana, B, Jabbar, M A, Tangka, F and Ehui, S (2003) Economic and nutritional impacts of
market-oriented dairy production in the Ethiopian highlands. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper no 51, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 21pp.
Tangka, F L, Emerson, R and Jabbar, M A. (2002) Food security effects of intensified dairying: Evidence
from the Ethiopian highlands. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 44. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 60pp.
Tulachan, P M. and Jabbar, M.A. (2002) Market oriented smallholder dairy farming as an option for improving the
livelihoods of small and marginal farmers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas. Paper presented at the 17th Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). November 17-20, 2002, Orlando, Florida USA. 18pp
Jabbar, M A, Ahmed, M A, Benin, S, Gebremedhin, B and Ehui, S. (2002) Livestock, livelihood and land
management issues in the highlands of Ethiopia. In: Benin, s, Pender, J and Ehui, S (eds) Policies on sustainable land management in the East African highlands. Summary of papers and proceedings of the conference held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,24-26 April, 2002. EPTD Workshop Summary Paper No 13, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA. Pp.97-103.
Tangka, F, Emerson, R, and Jabbar, M (2001) Food security effects of intensified dairying in the Ethiopian
highlands. Paper at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, August.
Tangka, Florence, Jabbar, M A and Shapiro, B I. (2000) Gender roles and child nutrition in ruminant
livestock production systems in developing countries – A critical review. Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper No 27. ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 64pp.
Ahmed, Mohammed A, Jabbar, M A and Ehui, Simeon (2000) Household level economic and nutritional impact of
market oriented dairy production in the Ethiopian highlands. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (USA) 21(4):460-465.
Sansoucy, R., Jabbar, M.A., Ehui, S.K. and Fitzhugh, H. (1995). “The contribution of livestock to food security and
sustainable development: Keynote paper.” In: R. Trevor Wilson, Simeon Ehui and Simon Mack (eds.): Livestock Development Strategies for Low Income Countries. Proceedings of the joint FAO/ILRI roundtable, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 25 Feb - 2 March. FAO, Rome and ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp.9-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1990). Floods and livestock in Bangladesh. Disasters - The Jl of Disaster Studies and Management
(UK) 14(4): 358-365.
Jabbar, M.A. (1989). An assessment of the quality of livestock statistics of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agc. Econ.,
12 (2): 25-42.
Jabbar, M.A. (Ed.) (1985). Livestock Development in Bangladesh - Policy and Strategy (in Bengali). Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka and Agricultural Development Council, Inc. New York, June, 152p.
Jabbar, M.A. and Green, D.A.G. (1983). The Status and potential of livestock within the context of agricultural
development policy in Bangladesh. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 113 pp.
Animal Traction and Mechanization
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Saleem, M A M and Erkossa, Teklu (2002) Development and testing of low-cost animal drawn minimum tillage implements – experience on vertisols in Ethiopia. Agricultural Mechanisation in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Japan) 33(2): 9-14.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A, and Erkossa, Teklu (2002) Technical and economic
performance of animal drawn implements for minimum tillage: experience on vertisols in Ethiopia. Experimental Agriculture (UK) 38: 185-196.
Astatke, Abiye, Jabbar, M A, Mohamed Saleem, M A. (2001) Performance of minimum tillage with animal drawn
implements on vertisols in Ethiopia. In: Paulos Dubale, Asgelil Dibabe, Asfaw Zeleke, Gezahegn Ayele and Abebe Kirub (Eds) Advances in Vertsols Management in Ethiopian Highlands. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp.115-126.
Astatke, A and Jabbar, M A. (2000) Animal drawn implements for vertisol management and strategies for land use
intensification. In: Sustainable Agriculture – The Engineers Report. American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, DC, USA. Pp.11-18.
Jabbar, M.A. (1993). Research on cow traction in Africa: Some lessons to be learned. World Animal Review (FAO,
Italy) 74/75 (1-2): 58-63.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Animal power situation in Bangladesh. Mechanization Research Series, Asian Regional Team
on Employment Promotion, International Labour Organization, Bangkok. 41pp (Mimeo.).
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). The potential for single animal ploughing in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,8(2): 53-61.
Jabbar, M.A. (1985). Commercialization of agricultural equipment generated by R&D system in Bangladesh.
World employment programme research paper No. 2-22/wp. 155. International Labour Organization, Geneva. 46pp.
Jabbar, M.A. (1983). “Effect of draft on fertility and milk production of cows in Bangladesh.” In: T.R. Preston,
Charles Davies and M.M. Hoque (eds.). Maximum Livestock from Minimum Land. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 20-24 April, 1983. Pp. 87-102.
Jabbar, M.A., Bhuiyan, M.S.R. and Bari, A.K.M. (1983). "Causes and consequences of power tiller utilization in
two areas of Bangladesh." In: Consequences of Small Farm Mechanization. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, the Philippines, September, pp.71-83.
Jabbar, M.A. (1982). Technological change, agricultural development and the relevance of crop-livestock
interaction. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ., 5(2): 1-22.
Jabbar, M.A. (1980). Draft power shortage and mechanization of tillage in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ag. Econ.,
3(1): 1-26.
Animal Biodiversity and Value of Genetic Resources
Jabbar, M A, Husain, S S, Islam, S M F, Amin, M R, Khandker, A M M Y, Bhuiyan, A K F H, Ali, S Z and Faruque, O (2011) Stakeholder perspectives on breeding strategy and choice of breeds for livestock development in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Animal Science, 39(1-2): 20-43.
Jabbar, M A, and Diedhiou, M L. (2001) Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers? Evidence from West Africa. Working paper 110-2001, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Corso Magenta, Milano, Italy. 27pp.
Kamuanga, M, d’Iteren, G, Tano, K, Jabbar, M A, Swalow, BM, and Pokou, K. (2001). Farmers’ preferences of
cattle breeds, their market values and prospects for improvement in West Africa – a summary review. In: K R Soones (ed): Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC), Mombasa, Kenya, September 1999. Publication No 120, Stockwatch Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.271-298.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, B M and Rege, J E O (1999) Incorporation of farmer knowledge and preferences in
designing breeding policy and conservation strategy for domestic animals. Outlook on Agriculture (UK) 28 (4): 239-243.
Jabbar, M. A., Swallow, Brent, d'Iteren, G. M. and Busari, A. (1998). Farmer preferences and market values of
cattle breeds of West and Central Africa. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) 12 (2/3): 21-47.
Jabbar, M.A., Swallow, Brent and d'Ieteren, Guy (1995). “The demand for trypanotolerant cattle: Evidence on
farmers' breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” Paper presented at the 23rd meeting of
the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Banjul, The Gambia, 11-15
September. 24pp.
Swallow, B.M. and Jabbar, M.A. (1994). “Cattle breed preferences and breeding practices in Southern Nigeria.” In:
G J Rowlands and A J. Teale (eds): Towards Increased Use of Trypanotolerance - Current Research and Future Directions. Proceeding of a Workshop organized jointly by ILRAD and ILCA at Nairobi, 26-29 April, 1993. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 115-122.
Jabbar, M.A. and Ali, M.Z. (1988). The limitations of cross- breeding for improvement of cattle in Bangladesh".
Oxford Agrarian Studies (UK) 17: 29-56.
Animal Feeds, Nutrition and Health
Tangka, Florence and Jabbar, M A (2005) Implications of feed scarcity for gender roles in ruminant livestock
production. In: A A Ayatunde, S Fernandez-Rivera and G McCrabb (eds) Coping with Feed Scarcity in Smallholder Livestock Systems in Developing Countries. Proceedings of a workshop held on June 14-17 1999. Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands, University of Reading, UK, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 287-296.
Smith, J W, Adebowale, E A, Ogundola, F I, Taiwo, A A, Akpavie, S O, Larbi, A and Jabbar, M A (2000)
Influence of minerals on the aetiology of geophagia in periurban dairy cattle in the derived savannah of Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 32(5):315-327.
Larbi, A., Ladipo, D., Adekunle, I. O., Smith, J. W. and Jabbar, M. A. (1998) Multipurpose tree selection for
silvopastoral systems on acid ultisols: the effect of grass competition on early growth of tree and shrub species. International Tree Crop Journal (UK) 9:213-225.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M. A., Adebowale, E., and Akpavie, S (1996). Diseases of peri-urban agro-pastoral
systems in the derived savannah of West Africa. Market Oriented Dairy Research Working Paper 1996/4. ILRI, Ibadan, Nigeria. 31pp.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M.A. and Akinlade, J. (1995). Voluntary intake by sheep and goats of Gliricidia
sepium fed in three states and at three levels of supplementation to a basal diet of Panicum maximum. Agroforestry Systems (Netherlands) 32(3): 287-295.
Smith, J.W., Larbi, A., Jabbar, M.A. and Akinlade, J. (1995) Rumen degradation in sheep, goats and cattle and
voluntary intake by sheep of four browse species. Agroforestry systems (Netherlands) 32(3): 277-286.
Other Professional Activities
- Member, ILRI Publications Committee, 2006-2007 and Job Classification and Performance Evaluation Committee 2004-2007.
- ILRI Liaison Officer for the CGIAR Systemwide Programme on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, coordinated by CIAT, Columbia. 1997- June 2003.
- Editor, LPAP/ILRI Socioeconomics and Policy Research Working Paper Series, 1994-2002.
- Member Editorial Board, Journal of Agricultural and Food Economics, published by Serials Publisher. 2005-2010
- Reviewer for journals (World Development, Agricultural Systems, Agricultural Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources, Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, Journal of Farming System Research-Extension, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics) and funding agencies.
- Member, Technical Advisory Committee for Diagnostic and Characterisation Studies, African Highland Initiative, ICRAF. 1995-97.
- Member, Organising Committee, FAO sponsored African Inter-Governmental Consultation on Sustainable Mountain Development, held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, 1996.
- Executive Editor, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1978-1988.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Political Economy, The Journal of the Bangladesh Economics Association, 1986.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Samaj Nirikhan, Journal of the Centre for Social Studies, Dhaka University, Bangladesh. 1982- 2020.
- Part-time Consultant, The Intermediate Technology Development Group, Rugby, U.K., January -July 1987. Responsible for evaluating a farmer participatory sugarcane development project in Bangladesh.
- Consultant, Winrock International and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, 6 April - 16 May 1985. Responsible jointly with another consultant (Michael Howes, IDS, Sussex) to conduct a training programme on participatory rapid rural research methodologies for Bangladeshi rural social scientists.
- Member, Inter-Ministerial Committee on Agricultural Prices and Marketing, Government of Bangladesh. 1985. The committee was responsible for examining and fixing procurement prices for selected commodities.
- Resource Person, Training Workshop on Socio-economics of Livestock in Asia, held at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 18 April - 12 May 1983, sponsored by Winrock International and DANIDA.
- Member, National Land Reforms Committee, Government of Bangladesh. 1982. Formed by a Presidential decree.
- Member, Committee for suggesting Rural Institutional Structure for the Second Five Year Plan (1980-1985) of Bangladesh. 1979. Formed by the Minister of Planning.
- Member, Committee to study Land Utilization in Coastal and Off-Shore Areas of Bangladesh. 1978. Formed by the Minister of Planning.
- Officer-in-charge, Shamsul Islam Memorial Library, Bangladesh Agric University, Mymensingh. Jan- July, 1979.
- Part-time Economist, UNDP, Dhaka, Bangladesh. January - May 1978. Worked with a team to prepare Bangladesh Country report for the first FAO World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development held in Rome in 1979.
- Short-term Economist, UNDP, Dhaka, Bangladesh. June 1977. Worked with a FAO/Bangladesh joint team to prepare background papers for the interim two-year development plan (1978-80) of Bangladesh.
Membership of Professional Associations
- Member, International Association of Agricultural Economists, 1984 to date.
- Bangladesh Economics Association: Member 1976 - 1983, Life member since 1984. Assistant Secretary (1977-78) and Joint Secretary (1979-80) of the Executive Committee.
- Member, The Agricultural Economics Society (UK), 1988-2004.
- Member, Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension (USA), 1990-2000.
- Member, Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia, 1996-2008
Research Projects Undertaken in Bangladesh (1976-89)
- Principal Investigator, Research Project to Study the Evolution of Farming Systems Research in Bangladesh. 1987. Sponsored by International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Principal Investigator, Multidisciplinary Research Project on Production and Utilization of Livestock in Mymensingh, 1985-1987. Sponsored by the Ford Foundation.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on the Effects of 1984 Floods on Livestock in Bangladesh. 1985-86. Sponsored by Winrock International.
- Member of a research team to study potentials and constraints for irrigation development in Tangail district, Bangladesh, July 1984 - December 1985. Sponsored by GTZ.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on Commercialization of Agricultural Equipment Generated by R&D System in Bangladesh, 1984-85. Sponsored by ILO, Geneva.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on the Consequences of Power Tiller Utilization in Bangladesh, 1980-81. Sponsored by Agricultural Development Council. Inc., New York (now Winrock International).
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on Profitability of Wheat in Mymensingh area, Bangladesh. 1980-81. Sponsored by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and CIMMYT.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on Supply, Delivery System and Utilization of Chemical Fertilizers in Bangladesh. 1979-80. Sponsored by The Ford Foundation.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on the Land Tenure Systems in the Garo, Hajong and Santal Communities in Bangladesh. 1979-80. Sponsored by the Bangladesh Universities Grant Commission.
- Principal Investigator, Research Project on Economic Study of Bangladesh Fisheries. 1979. Sponsored by the Bangladesh Planning Commission.
- Member, Cooperative Irrigated Farming Development Project, Faculty of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 1976-1981. This was one of the pioneering on-farm research-cum-development projects in Bangladesh.
- Member, Small and Landless Farmers' Cooperative Project, 1976-1983. Sponsored by FAO/ESCAP under a Multi-country Project called Asian Survey on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. A pioneer on-farm research- cum-development project that had a gender focus.